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Siza continued helping me for three days and in those days, we managed to actually finish the dress. I was very proud of myself that I managed to do everything before the actual deadline. The team was so proud of me. mom even suggested that I go study for dressmaking so that I can make more money out of this new skill I have developed. I love the faith she has in me. I was supposed to take a flight to Joburg to deliver the outfit but Siza said we will drive together because he has some stuff to do before the competition. Him and I have become very close and I can actually see our marriage working out. But we haven't talked about that. We are still getting to know each other. I also told him that it would be better if we talk about the merits of our relationship after the competition. I don't wanna be stressed about something like that for now.

Veli also came through with the heels and bag. My friend is so talented. She should actually do this regularly. I mean there are so many brides who want unique heels to match with their dressed for their weddings. With my skill and hers, we can take Izimbali Zomhlaba to greater heights. Siza and I are leaving tomorrow. Tonight he is supposed to have dinner with us plus Sokalisa. Dad really surprised me when he called me and said he knows that Siza is around and he would like a sit down with him just to iron out a few things and talk about a way forward. Siza was shit scared when I told him but he knew he couldn't say no because that would anger dad.

Siza asked me to take him to my favourite spots around here. So we are currently driving to Nongoma Gardens. But first we went to town to buy some snacks and champagne. We get to the place and he is in awe. He keeps looking around with a smile. It's like his first time in a park like place.

“Babe, this place is amazing. Thank you for bringing me here.” He says with a wide smile before taking out his phone and taking pictures of the place. IGoli though. I take a throw I grabbed at home and stretch it on the grass before placing the snacks we bought on it. I also place two cushions on the vacant space in the throw. Well I knew we were coming here, so I came prepared.

“I am to please, Sizabantu.” He rolls his eyes.
“You know how to ruin a great moment wena ngane ka Nqengelele.” I laugh. “Can I take a few pics?” I nod.

I strike a few poses and he photographs me. We also take a few selfies and even ask some passerby to take pictures of the both of us. When we are done, we settle on the throw and start eating. But not without Siza photographing the picnic.

“So what does your father like?” he enquires as he opens the champagne and pours it on the plastic flutes. He hands me the flute. I chuckle.

“Thank you. Sokalisa is not a man that can be bought but you just have to prove just how much of an honourable man you are. But that might be difficult because you are anything but honourable.” He laughs.
“Hawu babe, and here I thought I was doing things right. What have I done wrong?” I take a sip. This is very tasty but it's not something you can drink occasionally. Maybe once in a while or on a special occasion. Like your first date with you supposed fiancé.

“You never tried you take me out on a date while we were in Jozi. You have never bought anything for me. You also slept with me at my mother's house a couple of times.” He laughs again and shakes his head. He takes one long sip at his drink and then looks at me.

“If I remember correctly, when we were in Jozi, you wanted nothing to do with me but the only thing you weren't beefing with is my dick. And you are quick to judge. I am sure you didn't even pay attention to the package that I sent with the pearls. Also I don't remember you saying no when we shagged at your mom's house. So please, no double standards ngoduso yami. You and I aren't honourable and that makes us a match made in heaven.” He bends to perk my exposed thigh and then sits back. I chuckle, shaking my head. Siza is so sly.

“I didn't see any package Zaba. So excuse me on that part.” He smiles widely.
“Zaba?” he asks with his eyebrows raised in excitement or fascination. I snort and roll my eyes. God.
“Since I am your ‘fiancé’,” I use quotations. “I figured it is right that I have my own name that I call you with. So you are Zaba, my fiancé, not Siza the fuck boy.” He laughs adorably as he takes my hand and kisses it.

“And you wonder why I fall for you every single day.” I am blushing. Does he have to be this charming? My phone beeps and that breaks off whatever moment we were having. I clear my throat and retrieve it from my bag. It’s a text from mom telling me to come back so that I can prepare for the dinner. I chuckle and put it back. “Curfew is up?” he asks with a smirk and I laugh.
“You are crazy yaz. But no. You have to take me to town, I need to buy a few things before going back home.” He nods.

We continue eating and chatting. He is even taking videos. Between him and I, he is the one who loves showing affection in public and on social media. He posts a few videos on his WhatsApp status and Instagram story. He then posts a few pictures on his wall. This one is going to make ladies hate me. Ever since he pulled that ‘phakade lami’ stunt, I think I gained 2k followers. Most of them are ladies and some are his friends. Our picnic finally comes to an end. He helps me pack things up and gives me his car keys so that I can drive. He has never been on a car driven by me, so he is impressed by my driving skills.

We get to town and I drive to the new mall just before Rockafella. It’s not really new but you know how us, black people, always call something like this, new. Like those people from Esikhawini, Richards Bay and Empangeni. They always call the garages at N2 ama garage amasha even though they have been there for years. We actually went to Rockafella yesterday during the day with Roxy and Nkululeko. Siza was making it his mission to make Nkululeko uncomfortable but at the end, they were getting along like fire and paper. Don’t even know if that’s a good example. We park the car and head inside. I take a few items and he keeps looking at them.

“You wanna make 7 colours for me?” he asks already holding in a laugh. I shake my head.
“You are not that special.” He breaks into laughter and a few people turn to stare at us. “People are starring Zaba.”
“Let them stare, I don’t care.” He does a little cute pout and I just laugh. When I am done picking the few items we head to the tills. While standing in a line, a guy who I went to school approaches me with a smile.

“MaShenge, long time no see, hey.” He says before coming close to hug me but I extend my hand instead. He chuckles before shaking it. “Where have you been? I haven’t seen you in ages.” I chuckle and steal a glance at Siza who is just staring at this old classmate of mine blankly.
“I have been good and our business is booming. Izimbali Zomhlaba. You should check us on social media. Anyways this is my fiancé, Siza and Siza this is an old classmate of mine, Siyabonga.”

“Nice to meet you ndoda.” Siya says and Siza just nods in response. I have never seen him so… serious. I am internally laughing inside. “Anyways it was nice to see you after so long, MaShenge. If you were single, I would say we should exchange numbers so that we can catch up but I know that would be very disrespectful of me.”
“Not disrespectful but ignorant. We still have a lot of stops to pass by babe.” Siza says smiling at me and placing his hand on my back.

Jealousy looks good on him. Siya smiles at us before walking away. I look at Siza and just laugh at him. He rolls his eyes before paying for the items. He is so dramatic. Before leaving town, he buys milkshakes for us and a sparkling strawberry sunrise krusher for Roxy. He also buys a boxmaster meal for Nyezi. My sister is going to be happy about this. She is such a foodie.

He drives me home and when we get there, he helps me carry the plastics inside. Both Nyezi and mom are home. Phela it’s a Saturday. He greets them before giving Nyezi her meal which she dances over. I walk Siza out when he is done socializing with the most important women in my life.

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