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After bathing, I change into my long silk pajamas, night gown and sleepers. I head to the lounge and sit on the couch. I go through my phone and while browsing, I come across Roxy’s text. She is asking me about Nkululeko and what kind of a guy he is. I tell her everything including the fact that he has been asking me out for ages. But I also tell her that he is a good guy and that she should give him a chance if she wants to. 

“Dad’s here.” Nyezi says shaking me. She is wearing a night dress and her kitty sleepers. I chuckle and sit up.
“I am starving. Are we going to eat now?” I ask groaning and she laughs.
“Mama, when are we eating?” she asks shouting.

“When you finally open the gate for your father.” Mom shouts back. Nyezi laughs as she goes to open the gate. Few minutes later she comes back with Sokalisa. He is carrying a few pick n pay plastics. Looks like he was in Richard’s Bay.
“Sanibonani ekhaya.” He greets as he places his small bag on the coffee table.

“Hello.” I stand up and take the plastics from him. I go and place them in the kitchen. Nyezi will do the offloading. “Your husband is here. Go greet him.” I say to mom who rolls her eyes.
“Help me dish up.” she says. I put my phone in my gown pocket and help her dish up. I place the plates neatly at the table and then sit down. Nyezi goes to call Sokalisa and together they join me in the table. Mom also settles down. “How are you Buthelezi?”

“I am fine mkami. How are you all doing?” he asks looking at Nyezi and me. I just nod and start digging in. This is going to be a long night.
“I'm fine dad.” Nyezi answers with so much excitement in her voice. I can feel dad's eyes on me. I just pretend not to notice and eat as fast as I can. The sooner I finish my food, the sooner I will be excused from this table.

“So how is school?” Sokalisa asks. I am trying so hard to pretend that all is well. Even the sound of his voice irritates me.
“School is going great, dad. We have an upcoming all day trip to Richards Bay. The official letters to parents will be coming next week. So I will take a picture of it and send it to you.”

“No need for that ndodakazi. I will just send money to your account and I hope it will be enough to cover all your expenses.” He answers smoothly like the world's best dad. It takes all the self-control in me not to chuckle and roll my eyes. “How about you Azanda?”
“I am fine.” I murmur and swallow the food in my mouth.
“Your mom tells me you will be heading to Jozi soon.”

“Is there anything she doesn't share with you? You seem like besties?” I blurt out before I can even stop myself.
“Azanda.” MaNene says in a stern reprimanding tone and I quickly apologize to her.

Dinner drags for me because I honestly don’t wanna be in one room with Sokalisa pretending that everything is okay. He keeps on stealing glances at me and not saying anything. Finally dinner comes to an end. It’s not even my turn to wash dishes but I volunteer because I would do anything to not be in a room with this sperm donor of mine. I wash the dishes as slow as I can. When I am done, I head to the lounge and find them sitting and laughing. I know MaNene would have my head for desert if I were to leave them here and go to my room. Instead I slide into the couch next to Nyezi and just get busy with my phone.

“So which school do you want to go to?” Sokalisa asks Nyezi.
“The Los Angeles Film School. It’s in America, California and receiving funding as an international student will be hard. So I will have to pay cash.” Nyezi answers while playing with her hair. Some women may do this when flirting but Nyezi always does this when she is nervous. Dad looks at mom and then looks at her.

“Everything you want, you will get ndodakazi. This is one of the reasons I work hard, so that you get to have everything you need in life and don’t have to put your dreams on hold just because you cannot afford them.”

“Anything but a present father.” I mumble and he quickly looks at me.
“What was that Azanda?” I shrug.
“Nothing.” I look at him clenching my jaws and then turn back my attention to my phone.
“Do you have something you want to say to me Azanda?”
“How much time have you got?” I challenge him.

“That’s enough Azanda. Respect him. He is still your father.” MaNene gives me a look and I roll my eyes.
“Only when it suits him.”
“Don’t you ever disrespect me like that or I will…”

“You will what? Beat me up? Where will you get that privilege from? You don’t even know what size I wear, my favourite colour, my dream car or dream job and yet you have the nerve to demand respect from me. Respect is earned Sokalisa.” I stand up and mom also stands up.

“SIT DOWN AZANDA!” she shouts. I look at her and slowly descend to my seat. She also sits down. “Now can we talk like normal people? We were still talking about Nyezi’s school. What else would you like to tell your father Nyezi?”

“Nothing mama. I am just happy that he is going to cover my fees for the rest of my degree.”
“What is the name of your degree again?” Sokalisa asks.
“Sound Engineer.”
“So you can be a DJ?” he asks and Nyezi giggles.
“A DJ that went overseas.” They all laugh while I chuckle.

“Your mom tells me that you are going to Jozi next week.” he says turning to me. I just look at him and look ahead. “So you are not going to talk to me?”
“I don’t wanna come off as rude or disrespectful, so I am just going to keep my thoughts to myself. But yes I am going to Jozi but don’t bother throwing your money at me because I have everything covered. I have worked for my own money, so I don’t need yours.”

“You will be staying at one of my houses in Rooderport. A driver will be allocated to cater to all your travelling needs. He will drive you to Jozi and bring you back here. No girl child of mine will drive alone in the streets of Jozi. What if thieves decide to hijack her?”

“Ow wow. So you suddenly care about me? It’s a little too late for that. Don’t you think?” I ask him with a hard face.
“Azanda I don’t care what your thoughts are about me but you will do as I say. I will also give you a card with your allowance. You are free to spend all that money in Jo’burg and if you ever run out of it, just send me a text and I will transfer more.”

“AZANDE IZINTOMBI ZAMASHENGE!” he shouts standing up and I look at him while trying to contain my own anger.

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