Inosuke: New Family

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                                                                      Little: Inosuke Hashibira

                                             Daddies: Tanjiro Kamado and Zenitsu Agaustuma


                                                                        Requested by: ArchieKoba


                                                      WARNING: GAY SHIP (Inosuke x Tanjiro x Zenitsu)


It has been to hard for him. Too hard to cope on trying to be the best. His boyfriends were noticing that something was going on with him but they both agreed not to say anything. 

One night, whe he thought Tanjiro and Zenitsu weren't home, he went to his room to cry because of all the stress of not knowing when he was gonna die and the fear of them both leaving him alone. 

"Inosuke?" Zenitsu said with his eyes wide. This was the first time he actually seen him cry. He quickly huddled to his side and hugged him. 

"Darling, whats wrong?" Zenitsu asked. Inosuke quickly wiped away his tears.

"I-It's nothing." He lied. Zenitsu knew though. It was about time they talked.

"How about we go to our room, okay?" Zenitsu asked. Inosuke nodded and walked with him to there room where lied Tanjiro, reading a book. He looked up and started freaking out. 

"Honey, why are you crying?! Did you get hurt? Did someone hurt you? I SWEAR I'LL -" Zenistu cut him off.

"Calm down, godzilla. I think it's time to tell him." Zenitsu said. Tanjiro nodded and closed his book. He walked over to the bed and put his hand on Inosuke's.

"So, Inosuke. We have something to share with you. I have been doing some research of coping methods that all of us can try. It's called littlespace. It's when us, Me and Zenitsu, act like the fathers. And then, you, would be our baby. You don't have to accept, but it may help you." Tanjiro explained.

"You can choose the age you want. 2,1,3,4." Zenitsu explained

Inosuke thought for a moment. " I do want to try it, but I have some questions." Inosuke crossed his arms. " Do i have to be the age all the time?"

"No, thats what its about. Littlespace allows you to be any age at anytime unit you have to be big again." Zenitsu explained. Inosuke nodded. 

He wanted to do it badly, but was afraid of what they will say and think about him. He nodded again. "I'll give it a try. I would also like to be 2." Zenitsu and Tanjiro smiled.

"I'm glad! Do you want to call us by our names or do you want to call us something else?" Tanjiro asked. Inosuke thought for a moment. 

"How about you be daddy." He pointed to Tanjiro. " And you be Papa." Then at Zenitsu. They nodded, liking there names.

"How about some supplies?" Zenitsu looked at Tanjiro. He nodded and went to a big box with a design of swirls. He opened the box and took out a pacifier and softly popped it in Inosuke's mouth.

"There you go!" Tanjiro smiled. Inosuke laughed a bit. But not his usual cocky laugh. A sincere laugh, a laugh that he hasn't felt in a long time. Tanjiro brought out a few more items. Baby toys, Clothes, a blanket, a few more pacifiers, stuffies, and a baby bottle. Zenitsu was giving him milk right now. Tanjiro was down to the last item in the box. Inosuke was playing with his new toys and being happiest he has felt in a while. Tanjiro tapped him gently on the shoulder.

" Baby, you don't have to do the last item if you don't want to." Tanjiro said.

"What is it, Daddy?" Inosuke asked.

"It's diapers, sweetie." Tanjiro said. Inosukes eyes widened. He did want to wear them but was worried of what he was gonna think of him. He slowly nodded. Tanjiro smiled and nodded. He set him on the wooden floor of there bedroom and striped him down slowly. He didn't mind since he use to have siblings. Zenitsu came in and gave Inosuke his bottle as he sucked on it happily. Zenitsu sat beside him while he was getting changed and stroking his hair. When he put his onesie back on, Inosuke wiggled around in the diaper. Tanjiro and Zenitsu thought it was the cutest thing they ever saw, him wiggling in his little diaper. Inosuke then yawned and cuddled with his bird stuffie. 

"I think it's naptime." Zenitsu said. Tanjiro nodded and picked him up and put his head on his chest. Zenitsu laid his head on Tanjiro's shoulder. All of them fell asleep. Inosuke was happy with his new family

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