Tanjiro, Zenitsu,Inosuke-Parenting ft. Y/n

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As soon as you and Nezuko got back to the estate, all the little slayers were fast asleep in your arms. That's right, only yours, because Nezuko was sleeping in her box. All the boys were snoring on your chest as Inosuke was strapped to your chest, asleep as well. 

You got to the butterfly estate and only realize one thing...

No one was there...

Shinobu is on a mission with Kanao, Aoi took her day off, and the girls went to go the Rengoku's brothers house for a sleepover. Great...

You took the boys to their room and set a pillow boundary around your bed. They slept peacefully while you took Nezuko to her room to sleep. You went back to the boys to find them off the bed. shitaki mushrooms.

"INOSUKE!? ZENITSU?! TANJIRO!?!?!" You frantically yelled. I found Zenitsu by the fridge, trying his best to open it. His little arms were so small. I sighed and smiled. 

'They must have been hungry...'  you thought. You took Zenitsu into your arms and opened the fridge to find milk. You took out the milk and went to go find a bottle. It was in a cupboard with a bunch of other stuff I may need. Good to be prepared I guess...? I took out the bottle and filled it with milk. I walked to the microwave for 30 seconds and tested the temputure of the milk with my wrist. I fed him the sweet milk and put him on my bed as he ate and fell asleep.

"Inosukeeee, Inosuke, where are you?" You whispered shouted so you wouldn't wake up Zenitsu. You found Insouke hiding in a fort as he cried. 

"Inosuke...What's wrong?" I asked. He came out and gave me grabby hands with tears in his eyes and a pout. My heart melted. I picked him up and swayed him side to side.

"It's okay Ino, n/n's here, n/n's here..." You shushed. Not after long, he fell asleep in your arms. 2 down, 1 to go.


"Taaaaanjiroooo? Where are you?" You asked as you see him crying in a corner.

"What's wrong, bub?" you asked as you carrased his face softly.

You tried feeding him,still crying.

You tried playing with him, still crying.

You checked everywhere for injuries, still crying.

You did everything but one...

You took off his onesie to see his soaked diaper, making the boy miserable. You sadly smiled.

"That diaper makes you feel yucky?" You asked while petting his head. He only nodded. You picked him up and went back to the cupboard to find the essentials you needed before. You grabbed a diaper, powder, and wipes. You changed Tanjiro and he almost instantly fell asleep. I smiled. I picked him up and put him with the sleeping boys. I kissed each of their foreheads. 

"Goodnight, my little slayers~"


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