Zenitsu: Confession ft.Y/n

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                                                                 Little: Zenitsu Agastuma (Age 2)

                                                                 Daddy: Tanjiro Kamado

                                                                Mommy/Daddy/CG: Y/n L/n

                                 Requested by:@ArchieKoba  

                                 Y/n= Your name


                                 I/p/p = Insert perfered pronouns


Y/n POV:

I was talking to Tanjiro about Demon slaying, total concentration, and tons of stuff about how to become stronger. We were going to our room we were sharing with Inosuke and Zenitsu. Inosuke was out training and I don't know where Zenitsu was. Probably hitting on Nezuko or being stupid with Shinobu. I slide the door open and see a pacifier on the floor. It had a yellow ring, had a pikachu on the round part. It had beads on it saying 'pica pica.' I picked up the pacifier, observing it closely. 

"Tanjiro, look at this." I said, gesturing him to come. He comes and narrows the pacifier. 

"I don't know anyone who has a baby here. Why is it in our room?" Tanjiro questions.

"It's not mine." 

"Not mine either." 

It couldn't be Inosuke's because he's 'The god of the mountain.' But it couldn't be Zenitsu's...could it?

"Tanjiro, I have an idea." I said as I whisper my idea to him. He nodded, agreeing to my plan.


We wait for Zenitsu under the bed Tanjiro was under the one next to me since we were too big together. We hear the door open. It was Zenitsu. He closed the door walked around the room as if he was looking for something. He found the custom pacifier on the floor. He found it the same place we did. He picked it up and he made a sucking sound. I tried hard not to gasp. Tanjiro too. Me and Tanjiro crawl out from under the bed. 

"Zenitsu." We said in unison. He gasped and turned around to see me and Tanjiro's shocked faces. He looked down shamefully as he suckled his pacifier. He spit it out.

"T-Tanj!N-N/n! It's not what this looks like,I-" he stuttered, but he cut off and started crying. We give him a sympathetic look and went in for a group hug. We let him get it out.

10 minutes later

We all sat on a bed, me and Tanjiro on one and Zenitsu right across us. His head down, looking at the floor with tears still in his eyes. We gave him a minute to calm down.

"I was using littlespace." He confences. "I do all things a baby does...I use pacifiers, bottles, I even use d-diapers sometimes. I know you guys must think i'm weird and weak." He trembles before crying again. We both nodded, understanding where he's coming from. We both hug him again.

" I read about this before... it's a coping method, right?" Tanjiro asked. He nodded. I looked over to him to let him continue.

"You've just been under a lot of stress, huh?" Tanjiro asks. Zenistsu nods again. I feel bad for Zenitsu.

"How can we help him?" I ask. Tanjiro thinks for a moment. He then snaps his fingers.

"I also read about littlespace that a little has a caregiver!" Tanjiro exclaims.

"That's perfect...! What does a caregiver do exactly...?" I question.

"Well, they're like a parent to a child. They help them while in littlespace. Change them, feed them, and other stuff." He explained. I nodded, agreeing to the idea.

"What do you think, Zenitsu?" I ask him. He nodded and giggled a cute giggle. 

"So it's official! We're gonna be your Daddy and I/p/p!" Tanjiro exclaimed. "First order of buisness...what should we do, y/n?"

"We should..." I gasp and whisper in Tanjiro's ear. He giggles a bit and agrees to my idea. 

"Baby, close your eyes." Tanjiro giggles. Zenitsu closes his eyes. I go up behind him and tickle him on the bed. He giggles as I pick him up, plop myself on the bed, and continue to tickle his stomach. Tanjiro went and blew rasberries on his tummy. He dramatically gasped and tickled him. We kept giggling. Tanjiro stopped and thought for a moment.

"Hey Zenitsu?" Tanjiro asked.

"Hm?" He hummed.

"You said that you suck on pacifiers, drank from bottles, and wore diapers. D-do you want to use them right now?" He asked trying not to sound forceful. He nodded. I thought it was adorable that he was a real baby! I nodded and got a pacifier. The same one that I found and popped it in his mouth

'So cute!' I thought. Tanjiro got up to get a warm bottle of milk for him. While we waited, I stroked his hair softly. Tanjiro came back and gave him the bottle. He drinked it all and we found it adorable. Last item on the list, diapers. I didn't know how to change diapers, but Tanjiro definitly did. He found a cute diaper with yellow stars on it. Tanjiro changed him and when he was done, Zenitsu wiggled around adorably in it. Me and Tanjiro looked in awe as he went sound asleep with the bottle in his mouth.

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