Uzui & Zenitsu- Playdate

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(Yes I'm alive. I decided since I have too much request I do both at the same time.)

Zenitsu & Uzui- Littles (2-5)

CGs= Y/n & The 3 wives (Makio, Suma, and Hinasturo) {Yes I am involving you in my crap}

Pika= It was the first thing you saw when he slipped. He remembered it forever.


Zenitsu was asleep on my lap while you carrassed his hair softly. He just finished playing and drank a entire bottle of milk. He was done for the day. I smiled. Ever since I've found out he was a little, things have been going great! I got a ring from my phone which snapped me out of my thoughts. Zenitsu woke up, slowly. I answered as soon as possible so I wouldn't bother him.

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Hi Y/n! Did I bother you?!

Good! I was wondering if you would like our babies to have a play date?

That sounds wonderful! I'm not occupied tomarrow and neither is Zeni! Is there a specific time you would like?

Hmm, maybe around 4:00? Tomarrow?

Perfect! See you then!


"Who was dat, Pika?" the little boy asked as he rubbed his sleepy eyes. I smiled. 

"It was your aunties! Do you wanna have a playdate tomarrow?" I asked. His eyes lit up as he nodded so fast, his brain might have gone inside out. I giggled. I got him in a fresh pull-up and an adorable onesie saying 'Pika Pika' and put him to bed.


"PIKAAA WAKE UPP!!!! PLAYDATE, PLAYDATE!!!" My little yelled happily. I groaned and got up. 

"Morning, baby. Let's get ready!" I said. I picked him up and took him to his nursery and gave him a cute yellow pull up with a white and yellow onesie. I gave him his pikachu paci adn went to the kitchen to get him a bottle. 

It was 1:00, so we had some time to kill. He played with his toys and watched TV for a while. It was 3:30 by the time he finished his nap.

"Alright baby, ready?" I asked.  He nodded as he got his yellow sneakers on and we headed to the car. I put him in his car seat as he had a 30 minute nap. As we arrived at the house, Zenitsu got up excitedly and bounced up and down. I got the diaper bag from the front seat and carried him out.

I rang the door bell to be answered by Makio. She smiled as Zenitsu waved hi with his thumb in his mouth.

"No baby, that's yuckie. Here." I said as I gave him a paci. Makio carried Zenitsu in her arms and kissed him on the cheek. I walked in a set down the diaper bag to see Uzui. I saw him playing with his mice.

"Pikaa!" He yelled happily. I smiled and picked him up and gave him a huge hug. Afterwards, they asked to go to Build- a-bear and get ice cream. I sighed.

"Ask your mommies first, okay?" I said to Uzui. He rushed over to the 3 wives and they said yes. I said yes to Zenitsu. I drove them to Build-a-bear. Uzui got a mouse with a shiny dress and Zenitsu got a bear with a yellow suit. On the way to the ice cream place, they were talking about how they were married. I got them some ice cream and when we got back to the house, they were knocked out. I smiled and picked up Zenitsu.

"It's time to go home for us. Thhank you for inviting us!" I smiled at the wives. They wave me and Zenitsu goodbye. When we got home, he woke up.

"I sleppy..." He yawned.

"I know, baby. Let's get ready for bed." I said making him a bottle. While it heated up, I put him in a diaper and footie pj's. I put the milk in the bottle and gave it to him while he was in his crib. He nodded off to sleep and spit the bottle out of his mouth. I picked it up and gave him his stuffie and paci. 

Goodnight baby!~

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