Giyuu- Bullied baby

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Okay this WAS requested, but i'm gonna tweak it just a liiiiitttle bit... Enjoy<3


Giyuu was a age reggressed little, about the ages 1-2, living his best life! Until...

"OI! TOMIOKA! GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE!" Sanemi yelled which frightened poor Giyuu. He started to cry. Mitsuri overheard and rushed over to Sanemi.

"Sanemi-kun! Be quiet, he's asleep!" Mitsuri said, waving her hands around. She then went over to Giyuu and comforted him. But everyone heard them because Mitsuri left the door open...

"What in the world of rinestones!?" Uzui screamed as Mitsuri held Giyuu in her arms as he sucked on a pacifier and went back to sleep. Mitsuri eye's widdened as Shinobu came forward and blocked Giyuu and Mitsuri from their sight.

"Get out of here..." Shinobu whispered. Mitsuri nodded no and stood beside her. She wanted to defend her baby.

"Is he wearing a diaper!?" Obaini asked. Shinobu placed her hands on his mouth. 

"Pft, such a loser, what kind of hashira are yo-" Sanemi judged but was soon knocked out by Shinobu. No one messes with her baby.

"Why am I even here?" Muichiro said as he went away. They all clearly wanted an explanation. Both of them went to Shinobu's estate and sat down to talk.

"Giyuu is a age regresser. It's a coping method where you act the age you want. He has had a hard time so we decided to be his mommies." Shinobu explained. It all made sense to them, deep down they wanted to help out as much as they could.

"Does the master know?" Obaini asked. Mitsuri nodded no.

"Usually, age regression is when it's a secret.  From anyone, family, friends." Mitsuri explained further. They all wanted to help out as much as they wanted to.


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