Kyojuro-I may not hear, but you still love me.

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Okay, so little disclaimer. Rengoku is Deaf in this. I do not know anything about how deaf people communicate. So I will do my best<3

Requested by:yaoimha


Little rengoku was watching sign language tv. It was a cartoon and on the bottom corner was a translator, explaining the story. The little was giggling and clapping. Shinobu came home at that time, she went to the living room, to find a little rengoku, sleeping. She smiled and picked him up.  He slowley woke up.


"mama?" he signed. Shinobu nodded.

"are you sleepy, bub?" She signed. He yawned and nodded. She smiled and went over to Uzui. 


"Can you take him for me? I have to take care of a few patients to take care of!" She asked. He nodded. He went over to Sanemi, Giyuu, and Muichiro. They all smiled, except for Giyuu, he just looked at the little. 

"Hello little one!" Sanemi signed. Rengoku smiled. 

He yawned again. He fell asleep on his chest. Mitsuri and Obaini came by. 

"Oh is he asleep?" Mitsuri said in her normal cheery voice. They all nodded and went to his nursery. They ran into Gyomei. He smiled and prayed for the small child and kissed their forehead. Sanemi went to the nursery room and put him to bed.

"You many not here us, but we love you..." Sanemi said as everyone smiles, except for Giyuu.

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