Tanjiro & Sukoshi- Little demon and a slayer ft. Y/n

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Little info, Sukoshi is not a real character, I made him up. This is gonna be a liiitttle bit long, so enjoy! IDK why, I had this in my head as a scenerio now it becomes REALITY!

I'll list some breathing styles you can choose from:

Star Breathing

Flower Breathing

Song Breathing

Art Breathing

Or one you come up with! Let me know, I'm interested!

w/n=Weapon (gun, knife, sword, etc/.)

Please blow this up, or put some positive stuff in the comments. I had a bad day today:(


Tanjiro was just hanging out in the Butterfly Mansion, reading a book. You were painting a picture of what you were feeling (sad, deppressed, happy, etc. you choose.) 

"CAW CAW TANJIRO, Y/N, NEZUKO, ZENISTU, INOSUKE!!! SOUTH-SOUTHEAST. SOUTH-SOUTHEAST!!! DEMON HAS BEEN SPOTTED, DEMON HAS BEEN SPOTTED!!!" You swore you were about to throw a paint brush at that dumb crow. You sighed and got your w/n


You were all walking towards the demon while the same thing was happening. Inosuke yelling, Zenitsu screaming, and Tanjiro trying to calm them down. They were dumb, but you loved them. Tanjiro then stopped in his tracks and took a whiff of air. He then sheathed his sword and looked towards you. He shoved you out of the way of a blast.

"Thanks." I said as I get up and got out your w/n. The demon was about 6 feet! At least. He had dark jet hair, blue eyes, and had normal looking skin. He looked at me and his eyes went big.

"Y-you look like my old caregiver!" He said as he shrunk to the age of what looked like 5, then he went back up and turned what looked about 17 or 18. Caregiver, what does he mean? Then I remember something Shinobu told me one day...


"Little space, a coping method for trauma. Usually, they act like a age they prefer. 1,2,3,4,5. Usually, littles have caregivers who take care of them and act as a parent!"


You pulled Tanjiro off to the side, along with Zenitsu and Inosuke. You had a plan. After you explained your plan, they nodded

Operation: Make the demon feel smaller and kill. was a go.

Inosuke was up. He waved at the demon. He had a bottle in his hand. Since he had amazing sense of sight, he could see where to throw. He was right and aimed it right for the mouth. He sucked on it once and actually laid down to enjoy it.


He then opened his eyes and spit it out, but he did get younger. But was back up.


Zenitsu was up. He had a pacifier in his hand. With his lightning speed, he put it in his mouth. He hummed in delight and comfort . He laid down again and put his knees close to his chest. He got younger and younger until he was the age of 4. Were so close!

You and Tanjiro were up. We grabbed the demon from behind and I had a diaper in my hand. Tanjiro restrained him by his arms. You baby talked him through the entire time. When you were done, you picked him up and smiled. Tanjiro just stroked his face while you rocked back and forth humming a random lullaby. He was slowly getting drowsy and fell asleep in your arms. What happened next shocked you. He held out his hand and shot at Tanjiro!

"TANJIRO!" We all yelled out. I killed the demon baby with a swing of my w/n. 

"_______Breathing: ___ Form _________________" I called out and killed it. It started to shrivel up and turned into ashes. I ran over to Tanjiro and he was holding his head in pain. Then he started to cry. 

"O-owie..." He was a mess! Crying and sobbing, what did the demon do?! I tried my best to heal a small wound with a rag, but he kept crying on how it hurt. What was going on?!

"Tanjiro, your not acting yourself, what happened?" You asked softly.

"I gwot hwit by a mwonster." Why was he talking like a...

Oh no.


You asked him in the calmest voice you could.. "How old are you, hon?" He held up his hand and fingered 2. I sighed and smiled. You cupped his face and looked for more wounds. None. He then swinged his body over you. His arms were over your shoulders, his legs were around your waist. You didn't think he was so cute in little space. You picked him up and he pretty much fell asleep in your arms.

"What a cutie..."


Hello, my lovely viewers! Hope you enjoyed that! I will be doing a part 2! 

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