Douma-Rainbow baby

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Requested By: GremlinChild1144


At the Infinity Castle

Douma was getting anxious. His daddies haven't been home for hours. He started to cry and cling on to his butterfly stuffie he named flappy. Muzan came home.

"Douma? Baby, are you here?" He said. He found a sad Douma crying in a corner. He rushed over to him.

"Douma! What's wrong?" He asked concerned. Douma looked up and hugged him.

"I lonely..." That was all he could say before regressing to the age of 1.

"Aw baby. Daddie's sorry. He had buisness to take care of. How about we get you something to eat?" Muzan asked. Douma just nodded.

Time Skip

Akaza came home while Douma was playing with Daki. Douma noticed Akaza and smiled.

"Aka! Aka!" He said as he hugged his leg.

"Hi baby!" Akaza said as he picked up the little and kissed his cheek. Akaza was making faces and spinning little Douma around. Douma let out a little yawn.

"Do you wanna go nigh nigh?" Muzan said as he came up behind Akaza, freaking him out. Douma only nodded.

His Daddie's took him to his room, with butterlies and rainbows all around.

Muzan read him his favorite book, "How the crayons saved the rainbow" (actual book).

Akaza gave him a bottle and Douma was out like a light. 

They both bid their goodnights and exited the room.


YAYAYAYAY!!! Good news! My mom let me have my computer today! No guarantee this will happen every weekend but I'll try! Thank you guys for understanding!

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