Inosuke: Slipping on the mission

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Inosuke: Little (2-4)

Caregivers: Tanjiro and Zenitsu

Contains: Slight language


It was the middle of the day when the kamaboko trio was out on their travel for a mission that was a 3-day walk. Inosuke was tired, cranky, and he was desperate to slip. Tanjiro was holding onto his hand while they were on a walk. Inosuke was really close to slipping, so he jerked away from Tanjiro's hand and crossed his arms. Tanjiro noticed and looked behind him. He squinted his eyes in a confused way, but just thought he didn't want to be touched right now.

It hurt Inosuke so much by doing that, he loved holding Tanjiro's hand. He was on the brink of tears when Zenitsu came by. He was humming Inosuke's favorite lullaby. This killed Inosuke inside. He wanted to slip, but he was on a mission!

'Don't slip, Dammit! You're on a mission!' He thought to himself. He covered his ears and closed his eyes while walking. Zenitsu's eyes widened. Inosuke loved it when he sang to him.

"Inosuke, is everything okay?" Zenitsu asked. Inosuke ignored him and walked faster. This started to worry the two of them. Inosuke was sobbing, certain he had gone away from Tanjiro and Zenitsu. He had gone behind a tree and sobbed, hoping he wouldn't be caught.

"Inosuke!" Tanjiro yelled, trying to find his baby. He was worried sick. So was Zenitsu. They were about to move forward when Zenitsu shushed him, he heard...crying.

"Come on! I hear him!" Zenitsu yelled. He ran to where he heard the crying, and Tanjiro followed. They ran and ran and ran until they found him, sitting behind a tree and crying. They walked up to him and gave him a hug.

"Shh, Shh, it's okay Inosuke." Tanjiro comforted, hugging his side. Inosuke nuzzled into him and tried to talk.

"I-I'm sorry! I dwidn't mean to me a buwwy!" Inosuke sobbed into Tanjiro's shirt. Tanjiro shushed him as Zenitsu got him his favorite plushie out of his pocket and gave it to Inosuke, who cuddled it close to his chest. Since it was night, Tanjiro decided to take Nezuko out of her box and try to entertain Inosuke while they got his little stuff ready for him. Nezuko rubbed his head softly then backed up. Inosuke sniffled and looked u to see Nezuko. She was her normal size, but then became smaller than him, making her groan noises and doing funny things like dancing, making puppets with her hands. This made him smile and clap his hands happily.

"Good job, Nezuko! We're gonna go to a hotel to stay for the night. Let's go!" Tanjiro said, smiling. Inosuke made his signature grabby hands at Tanjiro and he picked him up.

"Aw my baby! Hello~ who's my baby?~" Tanjiro baby talked him, making him the age of 2. He needed this. This is what he has been wanting for days now. He felt happy, safe, and at peace.


'So sleepy'  Inosuke thought to himself. He laid on Tanjiro shoulder trying to sleep. He wanted to listen to Zenitsu's song. He loved it, it always lulled him to sleep.

"Hang on honey! We're almost there! Just try to stay up okay?" Zenitsu said as Inosuke looked at him softly. They have finally made it to the hotel.

"Hello! How many?" The lady at the front asked. They got situated in a hotel room. It had 2 beds with a star pattern around it. The walls were a beautiful navy blue with a royal blue heading. The bathroom has constellations all around and a 1980's bathtub. It was gorgeous!

"Okay baby, time for nigh-nigh!" Tanjiro said as he walked over to the bed to get his little stuff. A pacifier, sippy cup, a few pull ups, etc. Tanjiro put him in a normal blue t shirt and shorts. Before Tanjiro put on the shorts, he put the pull up in Inosuke.

"Hey Zenitsu? Can you fill this up with water?" Tanjiro asked. Zenitsu nodded and went to the mini fridge to get a bottle of water. He gave it to Inosuke and he drank it. Tanjiro closed all the blinds and Nezuko got out of her box. She took Inosuke and put him in the other bed, rubbing his head as she hummed. He giggled, loving Nezuko's little song. He got into the covers of the bed, but needed his blanket. Nezuko hummed as she signaled Zenitsu to get his blanket. He nodded giddily, blushing. He got a blanket with a little pig pattern with a baby blue color.

Zenitsu went over to him and covered him up. He started humming the song he sang earlier. ' Yay!' Inosuke thought as he smiled. "Papa's song!" He giggles as he clapped his hands. The clapping died down as he yawned.

"Aww, so sleepy... night night honey!" Tanjiro said and gave him a kiss on the forehead.

"Night night papa. Night night daddy... night nigh nezu..."


Okay so YAY MY OWN STORY IN A WHILE !!! So sorry I died just a bunch of crap going on and I lost motivation😔 but I will do my best to continue with the story!

Remember if you have any requests, please go to the request chapter!

If you have a request for a different show, please go to my multifandom story!

Bye bye loves💖💖💖

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