Tanjiro- The enemy's baby

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Little- Tanjiro (age 0-3 months)

Caregiver= Muzan (non- verbal age regression)


(modern AU)

Muzan as well as the uppermoons were gathered for dinner, while Tanjiro was in his room. He hated when they came over, they got drunk, were super loud, and they didn't know he was on the verge of slipping.  He needed his daddy, and because this happened once a month, he knew it was going to be a long time until he got to see him.

3 hours later

Tanjiro slipped, he slipped a long time ago actually. Muzan was cleaning up the mess of the wine and booze. It's smell still lingered, which Muzan wanted to get rid of. Then, all of a sudden, Tanjiro came out of his room, looking cranky and mad at Muzan. 

"Hello, baby! Do you want anything?" he asked, looking at him curiously. Tanjiro huffed as he went over to the TV and ignored him. Muzan was confused, what has gotten into him? He thought it was only because he is cranky and tired. Tanjiro turned on a cartoon as Muzan went to go get pillows and blankets for the both of them.

Tanjiro was mad at him, and he wanted his daddy to know that! How could he?! leaving him alone, slipped and bored and not even check on him! Though, on the inside...he was hurt. He just wanted him, his daddy, and nobody else! Not uncle Akaza, not auntie Daki, just him! He slowly started to cry. He missed him.

Muzan came back with the pillows and blankets, along with a few snacks. He saw Tanjio crying, and instantly dropped the bags of chips and the gummy bears. He rushed over to him.r

"Honey, what's wrong? Did daddy do something to upset you?"

"I-I want daddy! M' so lonely and sad in my room, a-and i thought you hate me!" Tanjiro said with tears in his eyes. Muzan had a look of guilt on his face. He was so worried about how the house looked that he compltly forgot about his baby. He hugged him tight.

"I'm so sorry, honey. I don't hate you. Daddy was just busy with work stuff okay? How about we go see a movie?" He asked. Tanjiro nodded


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