Obaini Iguro: My baby

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Requested by: molliepiper19 

Little: Obaini Iguro (Age 3)

Daddy: Rengoku Kyojuro.


Obaini was in his tree with Kaburamaru, stroking his head gently. He just got off after the trial with Tanjiro. He was trying so hard not to slip, and succeded. He was in his tree when Rengoku called his little.

"Iguro, come here baby!" He said. Obaini giggled as he jumped from his tree and landed in his daddies arms. He giggled. He ran to his mansion and laid Iguro down in the play pen, he whined making grabby hands. Rengoku sighed as he picked up his little and sat him on the bed as they took a nap. 


I'm sorry it's short!

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