Tanjiro- Tehe! Pig Daddy!

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Tanjiro was in PARIDISE! This is all he wanted for weeks! Cuddling with Inosuke, sucking his paci, having the warm comfort and protection of a clean diaper. It's better than heaven! Inosuke was running his fingers through his hair and telling Tanjiro a story.


Tanjiro had a very stressful week. The pressure of turning his sister back into a human, the missions. Having little to no time for himself. Inosuke noticed it and was really concerned. If he had stayed big any longer, he would've gone insane! Tanjiro was trying so hard to be big with his big responsibilities. Inosuke pulled him off to the side.

"I-inosuke.... What can I help you with?" Tanjiro said, too caught up in work.

"I don't need help with anything...YOU need help." Inosuke hugged him and rubbed his back. Tanjiro started whimpering and cried into his chest. 

"I-I was twying so hawd to be bwig, b-but i couldent!!" Tanjiro sobbed. Inosuke shushed him and brought him to their room. He bounced up and down, attempting to calm down his baby. Nothing would have worked! He grabbed his pig mask and did a funny voice. 

"Why are you crying, little guy? Beeee HAPPY!!!" He said in a silly voiced, making Tanjiro sniff and giggle a bit. Inosuke grabbed the top of his mask and took it off so Tanjiro could see his face. Inosuke stuck his tounge out and crossed his eyes, making Tanjiro laugh. He repeated the process, but with different faces. Tanjiro enjoyed his time but was REALLY tired. All his exaughtion hit at once.

"Dada...m tiwed..." He could barely speak. Inosuke smiled softly and carried him to the nursery in the butterfly mansion. It was for babies, sure, but with Tanjiro's small size? He could fit on the changing table. 

Inosuke got Tanjiro's diaper and put it on him. He was whining, but Inosuke had soothed him. He picked up the small baby and brought him to the kitchen to make him a bottle. Tanjiro could barely keep his eyes open! 

"Hang on, baby. It's almost done. Then we'll go nigh nigh." Inosuke said as he took the bottle out of the microwave and carried Tanjiro to their room. Inosuke sat on the bed and held Tanjiro and fed the bottle to him. He almost immediately fell asleep in his arms. When he was done, he laid Tanjiro beside him and kissed his forehead.

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