Tanjiro: Blank Daddy (I CANT HAVE A GOOD TITLE SORRY!)

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                                                        Little: Tanjiro Kamado

                                                      Daddy: Giyuu Tomioka

Requested by: _aesethetic_milk_


Tanjiro and Giyyu were sent on a mission together while Tanjiro was just slipping. Tanjiro had no caregiver so he was all alone. But he didn't have time to think about that now. He had a demon to kill! Tanjiro tried so hard to be big. Giyuu was silent as usual, but he knew something was off about Tanjiro. He was slightly concerned, but didn't let it show.

"Keep your guard up." Giyuu said blankly, unsheathing his sword. Tanjiro nodded and unsheathed his sword.

'Be big, kill the demon, be big, kill the demon' Tanjiro repeated in his mind. Little did he know, the demon was above looking over him. Tanjiro sniffed and had a scent of blood, tears, and fear. He looked up and saw a demon, one of the people from his village when his family was still alive. One of his friends. His eyes widened. Giyyu ran in a flash and sliced the demon's head faster. The body fell on the floor as blood splattered. Since the demon was dead, the head of Tanjiro's friend rolled over to his feet. He couldn't keep his headspace any longer.

"S-Sorry Giyuu, I-I g-gotta go!" He said before he was gone in a flash, crying silently. Giyuu would have left him alone, but not today. He ran after him, slower than usual. He had a theory but didn't want to assume it.

Tanjiro went behind an old building and pulled out a paci and stuffie. He put the stuffie close to his chest and sucked on the paci. He cried, thinking he was far away from Giyuu. Giyuu was looking from a tree, surprised his theory was right. He felt the need to protect him, like he was his child. He jumped down from the tree and went up to Tanjiro, slowly but surely.

"Kamado." He said blankly, but with a caring tone.

Tanjiro's eyes widened as he turned around to look at Giyuu. His puffy eyes and the stuffie still in his hand and the paci still in his mouth. He bursted out crying as he held onto his stuffie tighter. Giyyu knelt down and put him on his lap. Tanjiro's legs around Giyuu's hips and Tanjiro's head on Giyyu's shoulder. Giyuu softly shushed him as Tanjiro cried, and rubbed circles on his back. Tanjiro calmed down, but was scared of what he would think of him after this. Giyuu picked Tanjiro up and tried to find a place they could sleep for the night. He found a perfect place they could stay for the night. Moonshine Hotel. He booked a room and set Tanjiro on the bed.

"Can you tell me what's wrong?" Giyuu asked. For once, he wanted to try and be happy.

"Fwiend...all gone." He said before he started crying again.

"Hey,hey,hey,hey,hey, It's gonna be okay. It's gonna be okay." Giyuu reassured. "He's in a better place, he's safe."

"Pw-pwomise?" Tanjiro said in his little voice. Giyuu nods.

"Do you have a bag?" He asked. Tanjiro nodded and gave him his little emergencies bag. Giyuu opened it and it was full of paci's, stuffies, and a lot of other baby essentials. He found a cute onesie with a little wisteria flowers everywhere on it. It was a baby blue color. Giyuu slipped it on him. Tanjiro smiled through his paci. Giyuu got a few more items until...

"Umm...Tanjiro, the last item is diapers. Wanna wear them?" He asked. Tanjiro had to go to the bathroom, so he nodded no. Giyuu nodded and a few minutes passed. Tanjiro started to become pale. Giyuu noticed but decided not to say anything.

10 minutes later brought to you by my dumb ass making this.

Tanjiro really had to pee now. He wanted to tell Giyuu but was too afraid to tell him. Giyuu was super concerned now.

"Tanjiro, are you alright?" Giyuu asked. He nodded no.

"I gotta go potty, very bwadly!" Tanjiro said, holding his hands close to his thighs. Giyuu's eyes widened as he rushed to grab a pamper, took off the onesie and put the pull up on him. He put Tanjiro on his lap and rubbed his stomach as Tanjiro's head laid on his shoulder, sucking his paci. Tanjiro was a beet! He couldn't go to the bathroom with someone watching!

"It's okay, Tanjiro. You can go to the bathroom. We'll count together, okay?" Giyuu suggested. Tanjiro nodded.

"1,...2,...3,..." Giyuu counted as Tanjiro released his bladder. The yellow line slowly turned into blue. Tanjiro felt relieved but so embarrassed. Giyuu laid Tanjiro down on a towel from the shower and changed him into a diaper instead. He was comfy. He was comfortable. He was safe. He was also getting sleepy. He yawned and slept into Giyuu's chest. Giyuu rubbed circles into his back as Tanjiro suckled on his paci and slept.

Bruh, I tried. I'm sorry if you dont like it. Make sure you drop what you want me to write in the requests chapter! Bye loves<33!

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