Akaza: I'm never gonna go

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Akaza was having a huge nightmare. He was dreaming of Muzan leaving him. In his dream, Muzan told him that he'll be right back. But he never came. Akaza was crying.

"Baby, whats wrong?" Muzan shake him awake. Tears in his eyes, he jumped on Muzan and cried. Muzan sat down in the rocking chair they had and sang a lullaby

Little bird, little bird,
Fly through my window,
Little bird, little bird,
Fly through my window,
Little bird, little bird
Fly through my window,

Akaza was calming down. Muzan kept singing. Akaza was clinging onto Muzan's blazer, getting it all wet. Muzan snapped his fingers and appeared a bottle in his hand and gave it to Akaza. He drank down the bottle. After he finished, Muzan picked him up and took him to his room to sleep instead. 

"Feel Better?" Muzan asked. Akaza nodded and yawned. Akaza fell asleep into Muzan's chest.


Guys, I need a favor. If you have a request, PLEASE put it in the request chapter. 

I'm a organized bean:3


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