Shinobu- Little butterfly

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Requested by: zairephobe

Tanjiro was at rehabilitation training when Shinobu was watching them. She would usually cheer them on, but she felt a little, well little. She was fidgeting with her hands, and Tanjiro started to notice.

"That's training today!" Aoi announced. Shinobu got out of there and Tanjiro followed. 

"Hey butterfly, are you alright?" Tanjiro asked. She only nodded. He understood  she was feeling little. He held her hand and took her to their room.  Tanjiro set Shinobu on the bed and got her a butterfly paci and a butterfly stuffie. She smiled.

"Twank u, dada!" She said before she laid down. Tanjiro got a purple and teal onesie for her. Tanjiro put it on her as she yawned.

"Sleepy, my butterfly?" Tanjiro asked. She nodded. Tanjiro picked her up and he settled down in a rocking chair. Tanjiro gave her a bottle of angel milk. She drank it all then snuggled into Tanjiro's chest.

"Sweet dreams, my little butterfly..." 

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