Tanjiro And Sukoshi- Little Demon and a Slayer

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Tanjiro has been like...this for a few weeks. I've been doing various things to help him. Like, change his diaper, he has to wear one since he's 2. I feed him a warm bottle and some baby food in his highchair. I play with him, baby talk him, bathe him, dress him, cuddle with him, and so on and so forth. To be honest, it felt like a huge change, in a good way. Shinobu came in with excitement.

" I found the cure!" She said. It kinda shattered me. I liked this new place I was in. W-whatever! As long as Tanjiro is happy, I am too...


"Hey baby...So, Aunty Shinobu found a cure! But you have to get a quick shot..." I was scared to tell him cause I had no idea how'd he take it. His eyes went wide and he hid under the table and cried. I freaked out and comforted him by putting him in my lap and rubbing his back.

"Shh,Shh,Shh,Shh,Shhhhhh. It's gonna be okay baby, this will help you I promise!" I said with a calming tone in my voice. He eventually gave in and went to Shinobu's office. 

"Hey, don't worry. I'll hold you hand and you can squeeze as hard as you want to." I whisper. Shinobu comes back and gets Tanjiro prepared. Shinobu puts the shot in him. He squeezes my hand and she's done. Tanjiro then was his usual old self again. 0 little inside of him.  I put on a fake smile and let him rest. I was feeling a little sleepy myself.


I woke up to the sound of a crinkle. I groaned as I looked up to see something that shocked me.


Tanjiro POV

I feel like I haven't regressed in a long time, and I was wearing a diapey before I went to bed. But I kinda had a accident... and I had no mommy or daddy. While I was untaping, my worst nightmare had come true. Someone caught me... 




"Tanjiro?" I whispered. His lower lip trembled, his eyes were misty, and he started to cry. I jolted up from my bed and comfort him. I saw his diaper and thought to give him some tushy rubs. He liked those when he was a little. He calmed down. He then laid on his bed with his head down. He told me about his coping method and the things he does. I asked him if he had a caregiver, he cried again.

"Hey,Hey, Hey, I'll be your caregiver!" I said. He looked up at me and cried happily as he snuggled into my chest.

Part 3?

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