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I woke up to the sound of my sister calling my name..

"Elizabeth..Elizabeth wake up! You need to attend your new school!"said Veronica.

I sat up like a bullet and ran to go change into my new uniform. As soon as I was done I ran downstairs to eat breakfast.

Mm...A bacon and egg burger 🍔 was waiting for me on the dining table. I ate as fast as I could so I can make a good first impression at school.

"Woah! Elizabeth don't eat that'll get a stomach ache!"advised Margaret. "All done!"I said. I saw Margaret shaking her head as I took my bag and ran out the door.

As soon as the house was out of sight I wondered what the school would be like.. it was called The 'S' Academy. I always wondered what the s stood for. When I arrived, I saw that not many students had arrived at school yet. I didn't blame them. After all, I did come half an hour early..

I went to the principal's office to collect my class schedule. As soon as I got it, I saw that I had English as the first period.

I thought..'ok..I'm good at this subject..I could totally crush the opponents..but..what if they're nice..or what if I don't make friends in this class because I'm too smart..maybe I should keep a low profile..or I could-'.

But my thoughts were rudely interrupted by a so called *popular* group called the ten commandments. "Oh look! There's a new girl!"said Galland. "You're lucky that you're a girly girl and not a boy. Because if you were a boy I'd crush your skull!"continued Galland.

Elizabeth was about to say something real 'nice' when they were interrupted by they're English teacher, miss merlin. "What are you all making noise outside the classroom? Come in and keep quite."Miss Merlin scolded.

As I walked in, I saw a blonde haired boy sitting in a desk closest to the door. For some reason, I could feel a demonic presence. 'Was it him? No it couldn't be..'. I shrugged and sat next to a girl with brown pigtails not too far away from him.

"Hi I'm Diane! What's your name?"asked Diane. "Hi! I'm Elizabeth. Elizabeth Liones." At that, she seemed like she had seen a ghost! "You're THE princess Elizabeth?!"Diane exclaimed.

This seemed to attract a few prying ears..including the blonde haired boy. Miss Merlin called me up to introduce myself to my classmates. I didn't really feel like it so I decided that I wouldn't bother to move.

Miss Merlin could clearly see that I was being quite stubborn so she told me to meet her in the detention room after class. I knew that THIS was going to turn into war.


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