Chapter 36

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Once I was done, I went to the park. I found Ellie and Gelda hiding in a Bush. Zeldris was behind a tree.

"Took you long enough.." he grumbled.

"You know how hard it is to negotiate with father Zel.." I was rolling my eyes, my hands in my pockets as we walk back home.

The girls are chatting behind us and giggling. Tomorrow is Ellie's birthday.. hopefully father follows my list..

- The next day -

I woke up with Ellie next to me still snoring away.

I chuckle as I slowly get up and out of the room. I turn to see Zel and Gelda all dressed up.

We were going shopping. Me and Zel were basically just fighting while Gelda chose something.

When she came back put of the mall she wouldn't let me or Zel even see what she bought..hmph!

When we got back home, I took the bag and ran to the room. I wrote a note and set it in the bag and put it on the bed and got dressed.

It was already afternoon so we had to go and help father with the ball. When I got downstairs, Gelda and Zeldris were eating something.

Zeldris had made some pòke bowls. Yumm..

We ate up and left some for Ellie. They got changed and we flew off to father's mansion.

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