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       "So Ellie. You didn't answer my question. What are these bags for? Are you going somewhere?" Meliodas asked. I didn't answer. I just looked down and continued walking.


         She didn't answer me. Something is definitely wrong. And I'm going to be the first to find out what it is. "You know, you can tell me anything you want okay? I will always be there for you." I said "Yeah.. I know.. "she replied. She looked gloomy. It hurt me that I couldn't put a smile on her face. Well..I never could anyway know what I mean!

          I held back her wrist and she stopped walking. "Ellie..what's wrong?" I asked concerned now. She didn't reply. "Elizabeth.." I said slightly annoyed by the silence. I took a deep breathe so that I regained control of myself.

        "Elizabeth, I know something is up. Please! Tell me what's wrong.." I said. I saw tears drop onto the floor. I made her look at me and saw tears dripping down her face. I gasped looking at her cry. "I ran away from home! OK?! " She shouted and dropped everything and buried her face in her hands.

        I dropped everything and hugged her. She hugged back and said, "And now I don't have anywhere to go. I don't now what to do now Meliodas! "She said crying onto my chest.

        "Sh, sh, sh. Everything will be okay. You can stay with me for now okay?" I said looking deep into her eyes. "R- *sniff* Really?" She said wiping her tears away.

        "Yes really. I want to help you out! But I can't do that if you don't tell me what's wrong ok?" I said. "Yeah..ok" she said smiling.

        My heart warmed seeing her smile again. I felt...happy. For once in a very long time! I felt happy..

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