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'Phew..that was close...' Oh well... at least I got away..there was no way I was telling anyone I was a goddess. The goddess of life to be specific. Ok..let's go to pe! When I got to the training field, I saw that the blonde haired boy was sitting in a corner waiting for the teacher to come...or so I thought. When the teacher came in I was was Miss Merlin!

       "OK class..settle down..I've admitted a new student to the class. His name is Meliodas". And everyone turned to stare at the blonde haired boy. 'So that was what his name was..' "OK we are going to practice battle. Let's see..Diane and Ban.. King and"she was deciding on the rest.

      All I knew was that whoever I was gonna battle with, I was gonna beat their sorry butt! "And last but not least,..wait really? ..ok..Meliodas and elizabeth!" "What?!" I said. I looked at meliodas and he smirked. I knew he had something to do with this...

*Meliodas*! This is going to be fun! I watched as everyone finished of their battles..some were intense... I'm actually curious of how it will go will I beat her like I do with all my other opponents? Or will she beat me? Hm.....


      I wasn't so freaked out about battling this Meliodas kid till Diane told me something scary.. "Hey Elizabeth.  Good luck. Meliodas is one of the most experienced and powerful kids in school. That's how he became a prefect.."she said. Elaine walked up to me and said "Don't worry, I'll prepare your grave.."she said in a sweet yet disturbing voice..

    At that I lost it, I tried to sneak back inside the school but someone grabbed my wrist. It was Meliodas! "Hey, princess. Where are you going? You aren't trying to escape this battle are you?" He said smirking. I hate it when he smirks... "Of course not!" I said trying to hold back my embarrassed face.


      She was avoiding eye contact which meant that she was lying. So to test her I said.."OK then, let's go!" I pulled her wrist and brought her to the middle of the field. I was actually surprised she didn't kick or attack me while I was holding her wrist. I looked behind to see if she was dead and that's why she didn't do anything..nope! Not dead. But she was giving me this funny look like she was in a daydream...


       I snapped out of my daydream about Meliodas when I heard my teacher say our positions..
"Meliodas! The Demon Prince of the Demon clan." Oh no.. don't tell me their going to tell my clan name..


          I saw Elizabeth's facial expression. She seemed worried. Then I remembered that when I asked her about her clan she looked reluctant to tell me.. "Elizabeth!Liones' third princess! BEGIN!" She just stood there. Waiting for me to attack.. I didn't know what to do. I heard whispers in the crowd asking 'what on earth are they waiting for?' I think Elizabeth heard it too, so suddenly she attacked! She appeared behind me with a sword and cut off a bit of my hair! I quickly moved away before it could touch my neck. Where the hell did she get the sword from?! She kept attacking but of course I kept dodging it.


       He couldn't just stay still! I had cut a bit of his hair at the beginning but I wanted to separate his head from his body! After a few swings I got tired..


        I noticed that Elizabeth was tired after the swinging, so I took that opportunity and surprised her from behind. Right when I was about to hold my brocken sword to her neck..

 Right when I was about to hold my brocken sword to her neck

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.....she turned around and kicked me to a wall! I hit the wall and fell to the ground. Hehe... she really was strong..


    I heard everyone gasp when Meliodas fell to the ground. I was planning to fake it. And it worked it always worked. "Elizabeth wins! OK everyone let's go back inside.." she said. Wait..weren't they going to go see how Meliodas was? So naturally, as much as I hated him..I went to check on him..



    "Hey..are you OK?" I heard a very familiar voice say. I looked up to see Elizabeth holding her hand out so that I could get up. ' one ever checks to see if I'm OK..' "Oh my god! You're face is bleeding Meliodas! " she said. "Am I? I didn't notice.."I said about to touch it.. "WAIT don't touch it!" She ordered. "Come with me.."she said. So I followed her. She led me to the first aid room. She closed the door behind us and she sat me down on the nurse's bed. She started cleaning blood from my face. She looked so sweet. I didn't know she could be this caring.."OK Meliodas..I have to put some medicine before applying the bandage on your face-mph!" I stopped her talking by kissing her.


       I felt shocked that Meliodas was kissing me. But, it wasn't all that bad. So I slowly wrapped my arms around his neck. He seemed to like that.. Suddenly the door opened and we saw Miss Merlin walk in. We quickly parted ways. And I started to put medicine on his face..


*Miss Merlin*

      I could have sworn I saw Elizabeth and Meliodas kissing.. "Prince! What happened to your face!" I asked quite shocked.


       I was about to answer Miss Merlin's question when Elizabeth put her hand on my mouth and said "I'm sorry miss. I kicked Meliodas in the face.."she said looking guilty. "OK.. at ,least you're making your mistake right by cleaning his wound.." she said then she left. "You didn't have to take the blame you know.." "I know but..its never right to let someone else take the the blame for your own fault." At those words I instantly fell for her. Kind, fair, pretty, strong, brave and so much more..she was perfect!


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!😄

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