Chapter 17

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"Ellie, where do you live?" Meliodas asked me.

"Liones Avenue, number 2." I answered. He flew out of the house. "Tsk.." Zeldris said.

"What's wrong?" I asked. "By now your father is probably dead..sorry.." he replied. "Nyeh, I'm fine.." I shrugged as I walked off.


I just finished killing Elizabeth's father and was heading back. When I got back, I was greeted by kissing sounds. It was Gelda and Zel.

I fakely coughed. Both of them looked at me shocked and blushing. I grinned. "I see you guys had fun while I was gone~" I cooed.

"Elizabeth is upstairs now shoo!" Zel told me. "Not so fast.. I wanna hold a birthday party for Ellie's birthday." I said.

"Y'know. To take her mind off of the marriage. And also. Safe guard Ellie from now on. I heard this Mael guy is in our neighbouring school.." I told them.

"Roger!" Zel and Gelda said. I told the sins what happened and what is going to happen.

I walked up to Ellie's room when I heard soft crying..

Another short chapter. Yeah sorry bout that..🙁

Your girl,

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