Chapter 23

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It's been 8 hours since they left! It's already midnight! "Where the hell are they Zel?!" I shouted.

"How the hell am I supposed to know that idiot?!" He shouted back. "Oh. I don't know..CALL HER?!!" I screamed. "YOU DO THAT YOU LITTLE BAS-"

"OI SHUT UP ALREADY!!IT'S MIDNIGHT!" Our neighbour thundered from his house. We instantly shut up. You do not want to mess with him. Especially when he's tired..


Zel and I were playing soccer ⚽️ in our yard. We accidentally kicked it to our neighbour's house. We call him 'Mr.Complainsalot or Mr.Grumpy'. He suddenly emerged out of nowhere, holding our ball.

He then took a needle and popped it! Zel started to tear cause we were only seven. I hugged him while I death glared Mr.Grumpy. He just smirked and walked away calmly.

A few years had pass by after Mr.Grumpy moved out. But when Zel and me moved into our own house, guess who was our neighbour? Yep. Mr.Grumpy!

(End of flashback)

Yep. That's how I all went! Suddenly, the door opened and in creeped the ones we loved. The lights were off so they couldn't see us. "Do you think they're asleep?" I heard Gelda ask.

"I don't know..wait let me turn on the lights.." she said. She turned on the lights and...


I turned on the lights only to see two pissed off Demon brothers sitting on the bar stools frowning with their arms crossed as they stared me and Gelda down.

Meliodas sighed. "Where were you?" He asked. I could tell he was trying his best not to get angry.

"We went shopping..then we lost track of time..And the mall closed around 10.30..then we remembered that we could just call an uber or call you guys to come pick us up. But then..." Gelda said.

"We kinda remembered that we forgot our phones at home..."I finished for her. They just sighed. I started to play with my fingers when they started walking towards us.

They just hugged us tightly. "Couldn't you just fly back while carrying Gelda, Ellie?" Mel asked still hugging me. "It was, Gelda is too heavy to carry while flying.." I said.

"Hey!" Zeldris shouted at me while hugging Gelda tighter. "Sorry! Let me rephrase that. She's too heavy for ME to carry while flying.." I said. Meliodas just chuckled.

"Well, that's enough for one night!" Gelda said yawning as she got out of Zeldris' grip. I did the same. "Goodnight boys!" I said as I went to the stairs.

"Oho, you ain't getting away that easy girls! You need a punishment.." I hear Meli say. "Oh shit- Gelda run!"I shouted attempting to run away but get held back by Meli.

I see that Gelda was kidnapped by Zel and was going to their room as Meli brought me to ours. Gelda and me reached our hands out like we were reaching out for each other before the doors were closed.

Like I promised in the comments on the last chapter! Another chapter updated! Hope you guys enjoyed! Don't forget to vote on the chapter!☺


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