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Hey guys, I just wanted to give a shout out to 2 people who have supported me and kept me ongoing with this story!
Amelia379227 and
Thank you so much for your support and I hope you guys keep updated on this book. And don't forget to follow. 😁 Bye😜


      She smiled at me giggling. "You should giggle more often.." I said admiring her giggle. She blushed tomato red. Heh. Cute.. "squeeeeee! Finally!" A girl voice was heard. I knew exactly who it was. "Who's that Meliodas? "Ellie asked me. "You'll see "I said with a smile.

       "Meliodas! You didn't tell me you were bringing her today!! Hi Elizabeth! What do you find so interesting about Meliodas? What clan are you from? I heard that you're the supreme deity daughter. Is that true???" She bombarded Ellie with questions. I laughed at the sight of Ellie's stressed out reaction as she was trying to replay all the questions.

        "Gelda! Stop disturbing Mel and Elizabeth! Look at her! She looks stressed out by all your questions.." my brother, Zeldris told his mate Gelda. "Ouh..sorry. I just got over excited to have another girl in the house." She nervously giggled.

        "Oh, no, no. It's okay, umm.. Gelda was it?" Elizabeth asked. "Oh how ridiculous of me. I asked you about yourself and forgot to introduce myself. Yes, I'm Gelda, Zeldris's mate. I'm from the vampire clan." She smiled revealing her fangs. "Oh wow. Well now to answer your" she said correcting herself.

         "Yes, I am the supreme deity's daughter. And well...Meliodas was the one who marked me first. But I guess the first thing about him I admire is his caring attitude.." she said blushing and looking down, suddenly remembering that I was still there listening. She answered all Gelda's questions except from the question of which clan she came from. Somethings up..."That's it! I'm taking you to my room!" I said, taking her hand.

       "Oh no you don't! I'm taking her to my room to have some girl time!" Gelda said as she grabbed Elizabeth from me and ran up to her room and slammed the door. "Hey Zel. Gelda seems excited." I said. "Yeah, what do you expect. There is after all another girl in the house." He said.

        "But Gelda's right. You never told us you were bringing her in today. Why so sudden." He asked. So I told him the situation and made him promise not to tell Ellie that I told him. "What if Gelda asks?" "Then you tell her but make sure she doesn't tell Ellie." "Oh, OK. Do you know why she ran away from home?" he asked. "No I don't. But that's something I'm gonna find out soon." I replied with a poker face.


        "Soo..Elizabeth. You didn't answer my question. What clan are you from?" I asked. "Mm.. fine. But you can't tell anyone! OK?" She answered stiffening up. "OK.. " "I am from the goddess clan." She whispered in my ear. "You're from the goddess clan?!" I screamed. "Shhhh- shut the 'f' up" she scolded.

        "Sorry.." I apologised. "Can I feel your wings?" I asked curious. "Mmm..I'm not sure. I don't want the boys to walk in" "pleeaase? I'll lock the door. See?" I said locking the door. "Ok"she said clearly defeated 😕.

         She spread her wings out. It was beautiful! It was big white feathery wings. She looked like an angel, except..Well, she was a goddess...

          "Wow they're so pretty! Squuuuuueeeeeeeeeeeee!" I screamed in excitement!


        "Squuuuuuuuuuueeeeeeeeeeeee!" I heard Gelda scream. "Wtf are they doing in there!?" Zeldris asked. I just shrugged and ran upstairs following close behind him.

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