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We went to the cafeteria, and headed to the table we normally sit on. After everyone finished they're food, King was asking everyone something. So I decided to listen too. "Guys. Is anyone's birthday this month?" He asked. My birthday was this month. Next week for a matter of fact. But I decided not to tell anyone.

"Hey! Ellie! How about you? When is your birthday?" Meliodas asked curious. "Oh..umm..its not this was last month.." I lied. I didn't like to lie to them cause they were practically family since I ran away.


I could tell Ellie was lying. For some reason it seemed that she didn't want to celebrate her birthday..why? I decided not to confront her infront of everyone. When we were walking back home, I asked Ellie, "Ellie. Do you not like celebrating your birthday?" I asked straight to the point.

"Of course I do! Why would you think that?" She asked nervously laughing. She never does that. "Ellie. Don't lie to me. I can easily see through you. You're lying. There is no point in lying. If you tell me or not I will find out one way or another.." I said seriously.


"Ok..that was creepy and cringe. Even for you Meliodas.." I replied. He chuckled darkly. I shivered knowing how creepy Meliodas can be... "Fine I'll tell you. I don't like celebrating my birthday because when I was young, on my birthday my mom had a heart attack and died..." I said.

I suddenly felt someone hugging me. It was Meliodas. "I'm so sorry Elizabeth. Please forgive me for reminding you about such a horrible memory. Was your mom kinder than your other family members? Is that why you are sad?" He asked as I nodded in response.


I have to do something to make her feel better. I remembered my promise to myself. I carried her by the waist and flew towards the ice cream shop 1 minute tops. "Meliodas! You frizzed up my hair!" I chuckled. "Well I still think you look beautiful." I replied as she blushed madly. Hehe..cute.


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