Chapter 37

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I woke up around evening. I stretch out lazily. Mmm..I love to sleep in..(don't we all?😅)

I turn my body to see that Meli wasn't with me. Instead I see a bag with a note attached to it.


Dear Ellie,

Wear these clothes and come downstairs to the kitchen!



Hmm.. I look in the bag to see a big dress. I wear it and look in the mirror.


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I walk downstairs and into the kitchen. I saw something covered with a note that looked similar to the one on the bag.


Dear Ellie,

You like the dress? It was Gelda's present to you! Eat this. Zeldris made this especially for you! You could say it is his birthday gift!



Awww~ they remembered! Too sweet..☺

I ate the pòke bowl. I actually licked my fork. Yummm! Zeldris' cooking is way better than Meliodas' but Ban's definitely takes the cake!

Then I hear a honk. I look out the window. I see a limo with little wings at the end.

I was about to open the door to say they've got the wrong house when I saw another note.


What're you waiting for? Get in! And don't forget to take the purse Diane and Elaine bought you! And the staff Merlin got you!

Your Demon sweetheart


Aww.. I take the staff and purse. I sling the purse around me and carry my staff and get in the limo.

After about half an hour of driving, we finally stopped. I looked out to see a big mansion. Wow.. that's huge! Bigger than Meliodas' !

I get out of the limo and thank the driver. He was a Demon but surprisingly he didn't kill me! :))

I slowly and nervously walked up to the door. I knocked once. Then twice. Just as I was about to walk away, the door opened.

A tall man with pinkish hair that was tied in a ponytail opened. He had a serious face.

"State your name and business.. " he says. "Isn't it obvious Cusack? She's the goddess! Here for- oh. Almost slipped it there! Heeheehee.." a man with green hair says.

I laugh nervously knowing that they were high classed demons. Cusack and the other one must be Chandler..

"Come in! Please!" Chandler says moving to make way to come in. "T-thank you.."

I say slowly walking in. This staff is so bloody heavy! Suddenly, I feel to arms wrap around my waist.

"Hello Ellie! You look beautiful today my love!" I hear Meliodas say. I smile. I turn to face him.

His hands on my waist. "Thank you Meli.." I say with a blush. "Here. Let me take that for you.." he says referring to the staff.

I shake my head. He looks at me questioningly. "It's Melin's gift. I want to be near it to make me feel like she's here with me!" I say gripping it harder.

He smiles. "Trust me. You won't need it.." he says reaching out for the staff.

I reluctantly give him the staff. "Ellie you've got to let go.." he says grunting slightly. The staff is being pulled between us until he finally pulls hard.

When he pulls hard, it slips out of my fingers and he goes flying across the hallway.

"Ah. Finally.." he says getting up and dusting himself off. "You better keep this safe or else she'll kill me.." he says handing the staff to Chandler.

Meliodas takes me by the waist. I pout and look the other way. He smiles and kisses my cheek. I blush as he chuckles.

"Young master, it's time.." Chandler says.

Young master?!

"Ok Chandler thank you.." Meliodas says. He activates his Demon mark and makes an expressionless face.

We walk to the door but Meliodas gives me a quick smile and turns emotionless again.

The doors open and the light blinds me. When I finally open them I see demons from all over the realm standing there.

I see Gelda, Zeldris, Estarossa and..the Demon King?!

I think Meliodas noticed me staring at his father so he nudged me slightly. I looked at him with a flash of panic.

He looked at me. He flashed me a grin. He couldn't smile cause of his status. I calmed slightly.

We started walking towards the group. I prayed that someone would save me from embarrassing myself.

I suddenly tripped slightly on my way. As I was falling in slo-mo, I thought to myself, 'wait to go really can't stop yourself from falling can you?'.

I closed my eyes getting ready for the impact. But I never hit the ground. I opened them to see the ground was millimeters away from my face.

I looked up to see Meliodas looking down to me with a smirk.

He pulled me up and caught me in his arms. "Can't help but trip can you Ellie?" He asked. I blush profusely.

I can't help it that I'm clumsy!

We start walking to the group again. We're they getting further and further away? This was taking forever.

We finally reached the group. The Demon King glared at me with Fierce eyes that could kill a mere human in seconds.

I was having second thoughts about running out of there. No!!

I must stay here. For Meliodas! I look at the Demon King right back in the eyes. He then glared harder at me.

I just showed an emotionless face and stayed my ground with my stare. He then started laughing hysterically. It kinda surprised me.

He started laughing harder. I just stood there staring at him with an emotionless face.

I turned to face Meli and he was smirking?! Wtf- I'm so confused.. but I kept the still face.

Once the Demon King stopped laughing he looked at me. He smiled?!

"I'm starting to have a liking to your girlfriend son.." he says walking away. Once he is out of sight, Meliodas carried me by the waist.

"He approved!" He said twirling me around. I giggled. "Yeah.. I just wish the sins were with us.." I say looking down with a sad smile.


Hello everyone! I just want to say that there are about 1 or 2 more chapters for this book to end.

I'm really sad about this book ending. But don't forget to check out my other books!

And follow so that you get updated on my next Melizabeth books! Love you guys so much! Bye!

Your girl,

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