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When "🔴" comes on it means that if you want to skip lemon 🍋 you search for "🟢". Let's start reading!


    After calming Elizabeth down, we were walking to class when the 10 commandments walked up to her. I was ready to hold Elizabeth back if she tried to punch anyone of them. "Hey! You! You think you can send Galland to the hospital and just Walk away from the consequences?!"  Melascula screamed. I could tell Elizabeth was about to punch her in the face...


       I was about to punch Melascula in the face when suddenly someone grabbed my wrist. I turned to see Meliodas holding my hand. I tried to shake it off but I guess he knew I would do that because he gripped my hand HARD!


        He took me to the first aid room and shut the door behind us. He sat me down and came close. He came towards my ear and whispered "I promised Miss Merlin I would punish you if you got into trouble, and I never break a promise. This is what you get for being a naughty girl.." he said, snickering.

        What the hell? He was being nice to me a few minutes ago..

        From my ear he went down to my neck, and he slowly started kissing my neck trying to find my sweet spot as I moaned each and every time. When he hit my sweet spot I moaned a bit louder than usual. He liked that. I knew it was useless trying to escape because he had already pinned me to a wall.


        I found her sweet spot! I gently bit her neck. I think it might have hurt her because when I finished I saw a tear trickle down her neck. I felt bad to hurt her, but I needed to mark her so that no one will ever harm her again.


        "You're mine now.." I whispered into her ear before leaving. I hope she didn't get too angry at me. I was still adjusting to the feeling of love too you know! And it all happened so fast! Within a day to be specific. I wondered if I was moving too fast..but I guess my realisation came too late because I had already marked her...


      Did he just mark me?! I looked in the mirror. Yeap..he marked me.. Argh! Why, why, why did I let him kiss me?! I'm an idiot.. Before I left I made sure that my hair was put in a way that no one would see the mark.

      Oh least I'm going home now..wait..if anyone sees my mark I'm dead.. aw man! What do I do?

      I went back home and ran straight upstairs. I faked a headache so that I could skip lunch. Margaret just brought a bit of food for me because she said it would help the headache. I said okay and started eating.


     I wondered how Elizabeth was. Well, I was going to find out tomorrow I guess..


      My father forced me to come down for dinner even though I gave like a million excuses to get out of it! He said it was ✌🏼urgent✌🏼. So I went to dinner. Halfway through dinner, father announced something so shocking I swear I could have died choking on my juice! He said that as I was the goddess of life, I needed to be protected. So he said that I would marry Mael so that he could protect me at all times! Wtf?! When did he decide this?! I just said that I had lost my appetite and excused myself. What was I going to do now? I cried myself to sleep. There was only one thing left to do..


Hey guys! I hope you like this chapter. I know it's a little short but you know me, I like to keep the suspense.😅🤣 Trust me, the next chapter will definitely take a sharp and sudden turn..Byeee😝

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