Chapter 35

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We were inside the house, resting. Then I remembered that we were supposed to celebrate 🍾 Ellie's birthday tomorrow!

"I'm bored..let's play something.." I say getting up. "How about hide 'n' seek?" O ask hoping thwy would get the message.

Gelds did but Zeldris unfortunately didn't..

"Mel, why the hell do you want to play hide 'n' seek? You're not a kid y'know, owww!" He says rubbing his shoulder.

Gelda had elbowed him and was now glaring at him. I had to put in all my will power to not laugh.

"Sure!" Gelda said on their behalf. Zeldris just grumbled and Ellie nodded excitedly.

I made Ellie start. "1..2..3..4.." I heard Ellie count as I brought Zeldris and Gelda to the roof.

"OK, now why did you really bring is here?" Zel asks.

"Well, I just remembered that we forgo-" I begin.

"We forgot Ellie's birthday!" Gelda says in panic and wide eyes. Me and Zel just sweatdrop.

"Okay, so what are we gonna do?" Zel asks. "Hmm.." I think. "We ask a favour from father of course!" I say with a cheeky grin.

They just stare at me with blank expressions.

"Found you!" Ellie shouts.

All of us get so scared that we fall off the roof.

Zel and me spread out our wings and stop falling and he catches Gelda. We all land in the garden.

"Guys, you should know better than to hide in one place.." Ellie says shaking her head.

"Thanks for the tip Ellie.. my turn to count!" I say secretly winking at Zel. He nods.

I turn and start counting. Once I can't feel their magical presence, I spread my wings and fly to father's mansion.


Gelda and Zeldris grab both my arms and we take off. "Where are we going?" I ask noticing that we're heading out of the house.

"The park. Mel likes to have a wider space when he's the seeker.." Zeldris says looking forward.


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