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       After our makeout session, Elizabeth instantly fell asleep. I smiled at the sight of her peacefully sleeping beside me. I started to stroke her hair.

       She started to wake up. "Good evening my beautiful goddess" I said with a bright smile. She smiled back and yawned. "Mm..Good morning Meliodas.." she said. "C'mon, let's go out for some ice cream.." I suggested. "OK!"

       We got dressed and went down. We kinda saw my brother and Gelda kissing.. "Ahem.." I said. They jumped of each other and sat in opposite directions on the couch. Elizabeth giggled at their reactions. "Oh hey Mel! When did you get here?" Zeldris asked in a totally chill voice like nothing happened.

       I smirked. "You saw NOTHING!!" He hissed. At that, I burst out laughing. "OK Meliodas. They just got bored. It's mean to laugh at them especially after what you did.." Elizabeth said raising a brow. "Hey no fair! You're siding with them? And you LET ME DO IT.." I protested. "I'm not siding. I'm just stating my point" she said crossing her arms and pouting.

       "Haha..its okay Elizabeth. We're used to him doing that. But thanks for standing up for us. Mel, you've got a keeper here." Zeldris said. "Hmm..I feel suspicious around you now.." I said squinting. "What?! No- not like that..just..ugh- you know that I know you're doing this on purpose. Stop it." He said. "Fine" I said surrendering.

       "Soo... where are you going? It must be somewhere good if it got you out of that room.." Gelda said smirking at me. I looked at Elizabeth. She was a blushing mess. "Look what you did to her! Poor thing.. its okay Ellie.." I said death glaring at them to change the subject.

        "W-we're going out for ice cream. You guys want to come?" Elizabeth said, changing the subject herself. "Sure! Let's go with them Zelly! Pleeaase?" Gelda pleaded 🥺. "Aww, man. You know I can't resist the puppy eyes Gel.. fine.." he said giving in.

(At the ice cream shop)

      "What would you like, Ellie?" I asked. "Umm..1 cheesecake flavour scoop please." "OK, 1 cheesecake and 1 mint please." Then we went to sit down with Gelda and Zeldris. Our ice creams came. "One mint and one cheesecake for the lovely lady." The male waitress said winking at Ellie. I growled slightly as Ellie showed her mating mark. He turned pale and ran off. I looked at her to see that Ellie was already drooling 🤤.  "What's wrong Ellie? Never eaten ice cream before? " " I-it's not that just- I haven't eaten ice cream since I was 10. And I'm 18." She said. I was shocked!

      "You haven't eaten ice cream for 8 years?! How- why?" I said. "It was since my mom passed away I always went to the ice cream shop with her everyday after school. But ever since she passed, I didn't feel the need to eat ice cream because in the end it would just make me cry.." she said tearing up. "Ooh..Ellie I'm sorry..if I had known I wouldn't have suggested coming here.." I apologised. "No,no- I was the one who agreed to come. Besides. I had a craving anyways.." she shrugged and started eating.

     Hmm.. she was so cute. I made a promise to myself that I would take her out for ice cream everyday after school. No matter what- To make up for all those years she hadn't had any ice cream at all..

Sorry guys it's kinda short. But I had a craving for ice cream and that's how this chapter was even thought of..😅😂 I just wanted to let Meliodas and y'all to get to know the girl a bit. I mean- marking her and not getting to know her? Who does that?! OK..  gotta go. Mic drop~

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