Chapter 25

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"My name is Mael not Estarossa. You must have mistaken me for someone else.." he said avoiding eye contact. I heard Gelda scoff.

"Nope! I'm sure. You're still the same old horrible liar ESTAROSSA!" I said, his name a little louder for him to acknowledge me.

"Fine! Fine! Just shut your Demon hole!" He said covering my mouth. I bit his hand. " Ouch!" He said death glaring me. "I don't like many people making personal contact with me.." I said.

"So tell me. Why did you run away from home Estarossa?" I questioned. "Father thought of me as a disgrace. So I ran. Got myself a disguise. Stole this idiot's wings and got elected to be one of the four archangels.." he shrugged.

I just stared at him. Gelda had walked away confused and frustrated. But I just continued staring. "So. Why are you here?" I asked. "To marry Elizabeth" he replied.

"Why?" I asked again. "The supreme deity ordered me to. I love her. The supreme deity wants to expand her power. Stuff like that.." he replied.

I rose a brow. He stared at me confused. "You. Love Elizabeth? I never thought I'd hear that coming out of your mouth.." I chuckled darkly. He just stared at me blankly clearly annoyed.

"Are we done here? School is about to start.." he said walking in. I held my hand up. He stopped. "One more. Why are you telling me all this so willingly?" I asked curious now.

He smirked. "I hate it when my prey doesn't know what's gonna come for them. So, I give them hints!" He smiled evilly and walked off.

'Prey? Come for them? Hints? Whaaaa? Staying in the goddess realm must have infected his brain...' I thought to myself as I walked into the school, waving at Mel who was still in the sky. He nodded and flew back down.

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