Chapter 24

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I can imagine you guys saying, " She finally updated!" Yeah sorry bout that. I've been busy packing my bags cause I'm travelling out of the country in 48 hours sooo...yeah. Anyway, here's another chapter!

*Meliodas* ( Tomorrow is the fudging wedding guys! Sound the alarms! )

Last night, I decided to not go too hard on Ellie cause today I had some buisness to attend to.. Right now I was cuddling with Ellie. "Mm..Good morning Meli.." she said turning to face me. I smiled. "Morning Ellie.."

I got dressed and went down. As I waited on Ellie and the others to change for school, I decided to make breakfast. I made waffles. I toasted them, set them on a plate and put some vanilla ice cream and syrup and chocolate cream.

I felt a sharp tap on my shoulder. I looked behind, only to be face to face with Zeldris. "You didn't make those waffles did you?" He asked. "I see you finally decided to come to school!" I said completely ignoring Zel's question. He just scoffed at my ignorance. He sat down and said, "Well we had to help Elizabeth with her little marriage problem didn't we?" Rolling his eyes like it was obvious.

The girls had come down and sat at the table. I gave everyone their plates with a smirk on my face. Zeldris, who was resting his head on his hand just pushed it away. Gelda stared at it. "Who made thi-?!" I stuffed a piece of the waffle with a fork into her mouth. She forcefully swallowed and shivered. Ellie willingly, put some in her mouth. "Yum!" She said.

Zel sweatdropped as he stared at her. Gelda just stared at her in disbelief as she shook her head like, "No Ellie. There's something wrong with you.." while I just smirked at her, arms crossed holding the spatula. She finished her food and was about to wash the plate.

"What do you think you're doing?" I said taking the plate from her. "I will wash it. You go get ready.." I said pushing her out of the kitchen. "How come you don't do that for me Zel?" Gelda asked crossing her arms. Zeldris just started sweating like crazy as I just chuckled.

(Timeskip) (Sorry :p)

At school, I saw Mael waiting at the gate. I gave Zel the signal as I put my wings and flew to the skies with Ellie.


I waited until they were high enough so Elizabeth couldn't see.. when they were, I walked over to him "Hey!" I said. He looked at me in disgust. "What's wrong? We are brothers after all. Right? Estarossa.."

Cliffhanger! Don't kill me! To be continued...

Your girl,

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