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   Hmm..That new girl seems like trouble. Miss Merlin made eye contact with me and signalled.

That's when I knew she (Elizabeth) really IS trouble. I knew I had to wait after class at the detention room to interrogate her...


  Right after class I ran to the detention room. I didn't want to get into more trouble by being late. Turns out, I was the first there.

Or so I thought. I went in and put my earphones on and was listening to music when I sensed a demonic presence.

I took my earphones off and looked around the room. I didn't see anyone.. just as I was about to put the music back on I heard the door creak and then *click*.

I turned to see that blonde haired boy standing at the door. Then it occurred again.. 'was he the demonic presence I sensed?'.

      "Hello..."he said in a deep voice. "Hii? I guess.."I replied awkwardly. "So. Why didn't you want to introduce yourself to the class as Miss Merlin instructed?"he asked.

"Cause I didn't feel like it.."I replied casually. What?! I wasn't going to lie..besides it was totally true anyway even if he thought I was being  sarcastic. But I have to admit he did seem quite annoyed by my answer.

     "But you should have at least tried to tell your name to the class..".Was he trying to reason with me?! "Yeah, I guess you're right...but I couldn't be bothered to try..".

To be honest I was trying my hardest to not laugh at his pissed off face.🤣 He actually tried to come closer to attack me.

But being the beautiful and fast goddess I am, I was able to dodge it. He was surprised that I was able to avoid his attack.

But of course he didn't know that I was a goddess. The only people who knew were my family.

I took the opportunity of him getting up again after the attack and ran to go find Diane. I found her at a table sitting with 3 other people.
      "Hey diane!" I said. "Heyyy! Come here and sit with me! Elizabeth, I want you to meet King, Elaine and Ban!"Diane said."Hi there. I'm Elizabeth."

"Wait- like princess Elizabeth?!" King exclaimed."Yeap, that's me😅" I said kind of flattered that that's how they would remember me.

"Well hello, lovely princess Elizabeth"said Ban jokingly "Well, hello Ban" I said and did a small curtsey going along with the joke.

"But seriously, you guys can call me Elizabeth or Ellie for short." "OK!" They all said in unison.


     'Ugh, how did she escape my attack? I don't think she's trouble. I think she's THE trouble. I better go find her before anything happens to her..'

I walked nonstop. Finally, I found her. Just as I was approaching her, Miss Merlin stopped me. "Meliodas, I trust that you have gotten through with the new girl?" Miss Merlin asked.

"Unfortunately not yet Miss, I was just about to go find her.." I replied.
At those words she looked confused. So I told her what had happened...


      I was peacefully eating when the 10 commandments walked up to me. "Hey you! Yeah you! The new girl!"Galland shouted.

"You think, that you can just Walk away without finishing a response to my insult?!" Galland screamed again.

"Oh! You call that an insult? I thought you were referring to what I would do totally you."I said sarcastically.

           At this he got the devil. He ran and nearly punched my face but I dodged it and it accidentally hit this totally innocent kid's face.

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