Chapter 40

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I felt a little push. Everyone started singing happy birthday. Once I blew out the candles, the lights turned on and everyone started dancing.

Meliodas took my hand.

We started dancing. (Like in the video above..) He came close to me.

So so close.. we were about to kiss when we heard a cough. I opened my eyes and turned to see the demon King. I laughed nervously.

Meliodas just opened his eyes and groaned. "Fine!" He said.

He pulled me out. After a few minutes, fireworks were lit and I enjoyed all the beautiful colours.

"Wow.." I said breathlessly. Suddenly, Meliodas pulled me in and kissed me!

His lips felt so warm.. I wrapped my arms around his neck. That was how the night ended.

The story of how a Demon and Goddess met and fell in love...

3 years later..

"And that's how me and your mom met!" Meliodas explained to Tristan. He smiled.

"Wow! So.. how did you make me??" He asked. I blushed. Meliodas sweatdropped.

"Eh..You're too young to know that.." he said..

Meliodas held my waist as we watched Tristan run off to his friends.. "He's all grown up now ain't he?" Meliodas said kissing my cheek.

I smiled. "Yeah..and the next thing we know is he will find the one for him and he will want to go and started his own family.." I say smiling at the now closed doors.

He chuckled. "Well, let's hope we don't grow that old too fast!" He said as we both laughed.



"HEY TRISTAN!" I turned to see y/n running towards me.

"Heya y/n!"



Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this book. I just want to say that I now have my own YouTube channel where I put all my edits on.

That video above is actually one of my edits on YouTube and Instagram!

Please go check it out and don't forget to subscribe! And if you have Instagram don't forget to check it out too!




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