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      Mm..what day is it? School day? Weekend? day ugh... I opened my eyes to see Ellie snuggled in my chest. Sometimes I wonder why she's so stubborn. She can be really nice. people whom she knows well at least.. I kissed her forehead. "Mm.." she was waking up. "Good morning Ellie.

       It's time to get up for school.." "I don't wanna go.." she whined. "Elliee, would you change your mind if I said we had pe today?" When she heard that she jumped off the bed and got dressed. Hehe..she loves that subject..she's definitely not like the other girls..

      I changed too. Then we went downstairs. I saw Zeldris making pancakes.Yum😋!  "Hey Zel! Watcha making?" "Your fav Mel. Pancakes!" He said revealing a delicious tray of pancakes 🥞.

     "Wow! It looks good!" Ellie said

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     "Wow! It looks good!" Ellie said. "Is it your favourite too?"I asked. " I prefer spaghetti." She said. "Oo..ok.."I said smirking😏. After breakfast we walked to school. I saw a few boys winking at Ellie. I got kinda pissed. I knew she felt uncomfortable too. So I held her hand till we reached class. I didn't want to show my rage infront of Ellie. Any of it. None.


    I felt Meliodas hold my hand till we reached class. I have to admit. I admire of how protective he can be sometimes. I guess he really loves me... Gelda and Zeldris decided to not come to school today because they had something to do. But Meliodas insisted that we go since we already skipped Wednesday.

     When we entered the class, everyone turned around and gasped. I think they were shocked that I was holding hands with the so called 'cold hearted top prefect of the school'🙄. I felt sorry for Meliodas. He was called mean things behind his back. Obviously they wouldn't want to say it to his face unless they were the commandments or they just wanted a bruised face or even better wanted to DIE.

    I wonder if he knew.. "ELIZABETH!!!" I heard Diane scream. She jumped on me and hugged me. We were on the floor and she was ontop of me. "Ngh..Diane..not to be mean or anything but..could you get off of me?'re kinda heavy.." I said struggling to breathe. "Oh yeah! Of course sorry!" She said. "I forgot that even when I'm small I still am quite heavy😅" she said. "It's okay." I replied. "OK good! Now..WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU YESTERDAY?! AND WHERE WERE YOU DURING MATHS?! DID MELIODAS DO SOMETHING TO YOU? ILL KICK HIS SORRY ASS IF HE DID SOMETHING!.."
The rest were all mumbles because I fainted of all the shouting..


     I caught Ellie when she fainted. "Oops.." I heard her friend Diane say. "Sorry. I'll bring her to first aid." She offered. "'s- okay.. I'll bring her there." "Na-uh. I ain't sitting here listening to history. Let's go." She said. I sighed. "Ellie. The only reason I'm not kicking her ass is because she's your friend.."


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Hey guys. That's all for now. Byee

Your girl,
Lady_Elizabeth_2021 😘

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