Chapter 21

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I growled when I saw him standing there. When he saw Ellie he started walking towards us. "Hey Ell!" He said. She just frowned. "Why are you here?" She questioned.

He smiled. "I enrolled into this school of course!" He said. "Why?" She asked. " get closer to my soon to be wife of course! You haven't forgotten about our wedding have you?" He asked. She just scoffed.

"Of course I haven't! Cause you're not making it easy are you?!" She shouted at him. All eyes were on us now. I tapped her on the shoulder. She looked at me with rage in her eyes till she realised it was me.

I signalled for her to stop, because she was attracting attention, with my eyes 👀.

She just sighed. "We'll talk later..not now. I'm not in the mood.." she said. He just nodded and walked away. The sins and me just looked at each other and knew we were in for a treat..

During class, it was sooooo boring. I decided to tease Ellie. I started to play with her hair. She just blushed as she continued with notes.

I glanced Mael's way and saw that he had broken his pencil ✏ in half. Hehe.. I decided to piss him off at the same time.

I kissed her cheek. As Ellie turned redder by blush he turned turned red with anger. After class, he started walking towards us. Ellie pulled me towards PE.

When we arrived at the gym, we were greeted by Miss.Merlin. "OK.. fight against the pairs given to you.." she said reading out the list.

Elaine vs Ban
King vs Diane
Elizabeth vs Meliodas

After the others, it was finally time for Ellie and me. We fought like no tomorrow. When I punched her, she kicked me in the guts so hard that I coughed up blood.

"Yay Ellie! Kick his sorry ass!" Diane cheered from the bleachers. Ellie just giggled as she headed towards me. "I'ma stop now. Just do me a favor and pretend to get smashed into the wall m'kay?" She whispered in my ear.

I nodded and did as told. After that, Ellie walked up to me. "You okay?" She asked. "Yeah. I only puked out my bloody guts!" I said sarcastically. She rolled her eyes as she helped me up. "At least now you won't have the 'guts' to grope me.." she said.

I started to grope her. "Never. That's just my heart. Not my guts.." I replied smirking 😏. She groaned as she brought me to the first aid room. "Remove your shirt.."she instructed. I did as told. She started to trace her finger searching for a the kicked point.

"If you wanted to check me out you could have just asked.." I said smirking. She stopped dead in her tracks. She blushed. No. She was actually checking me out?! I thought she was...?!

She just blushed as she healed my weak point. I just stared at her in awe. When she was done, she raised her head to look at me. I kissed her.

When we separated, she just stared at me with this cute blush

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When we separated, she just stared at me with this cute blush. I couldn't anymore. I carried her bridal style and walked out. I walked by our classroom. I signalled Merlin as I walked by.

She nodded as I walked out of the school

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She nodded as I walked out of the school. "Meliodas, where are you taking me?!" She shouted. I started to grope her breasts to stop her shouting.

Instead she started moaning quietly. I smirked. Now that's how I like it..(of course you do Meliodas..😒)

Heyo! Hope you liked it. Short I know. But I am still studying for the exam. Wish me luck!😜

Your girl,

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