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When "🔴" comes on it means that if you want to skip lemon 🍋 you search for "🟢". Let's start reading!


      I finished cleaning Meliodas' wound and then bandaged it. "O-Ok, you're all g-good to go!" I said stuttering like an idiot. He smiled.


     She was cute when she stuttered. When I smiled at her she couldn't stop herself from blushing. "O-ok, enough of that..let's get to class."she said.



         "You mean recess" I said smirking, "Want to go together?"I asked. She gave me the killer eyes and walked off. I guess she was back to her old self..


       I went off to search for Diane. I had to tell her everything! When I finally found them I saw them gossiping their heads off. Diane saw me walking towards them, and she quickly shushed everyone. "Hey!" "Hey Elizabeth!" She said. "Soo...what were you guys talking about?" "Oh nothing..just about how you kicked Meliodas' sorry butt!" She said doing mini punches. At that all my memories of the first aid room came flooding back like a flash flood.

       "O-oh..Hehe.. yeah..about that..." I said blushing up again. "Ooooo..the princess has a love interest.." Ban said in a mocking tone. "Oo-oo..don't tell me it's Mel-" I slapped my hand over his mouth. "I swear Ban if you tell them I will hang you for dear life!" I said all threatening like. He just laughed on my hand. He nodded to say that he wouldn't tell so I slowly let go of his mouth. He chuckled."Princess you really are a player. You kicked him but you were the one who ended up falling.."  he said. "Ha.ha.ha..yeah real funny!" I said rolling my eyes.     

       After King, Ban and Elaine left for class, it was only me and Diane. I decided to tell her. "Hey diane.." I begun. "Yes Elizabeth?" She asked. "You know.. After you guys left with the teacher..something happened.." "Oo..what happened? Tell me tell me tell me!" She said excitedly. " and Meliodas ki-" I said when I was rudely interrupted. "Hello princess." I heard Meliodas say.


       "Why did you leave? I really wanted to spend more time with you.." I asked while holding her chin. I couldn't let her spill the beans just yet..


      When Meliodas asked me that I looked at Diane and she looked as if she was about to die! She gave me the eyes that could only mean 1 thing. 'Are you dating him?' I shook my head. Then I realised that Meliodas was still waiting for an answer and was still holding my chin. I slapped his hand off of my chin and ran away.


        She ran, naturally I followed her. She went to the back of the school and sat down. She was crying! "Oh dad! Why did you have to bring me here.."she said sobbing. I walked up to her and sat beside her. She didn't seem to notice because she was still crying. I hugged her.

       She looked at me confused. Probably wondering how the hell I got here. But after a while she started crying again. "Sh, sh,sh,sh,'ll be OK Elizabeth..I promise.." I said stroking her hair.

       She seemed to calm down when I did that. She looked up at me with red eyes as she just finished crying. I kissed her forehead and said "I'm here to talk if you need anything OK?" I said. "O-ok.." she said while sniffling.

       I decided that I wouldn't tell her that we weren't supposed to be cutting class, because all I wanted to do right now was to let her know that I will always be there for her.


Hey guys! Hope you guys enjoyed this part!😜
I will try to publish another chapter today or latest by tomorrow.
Feel free to comment, I'd love to chat with you guys!

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