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      After Elizabeth stopped crying. I took her bags. Where on earth were we supposed to put these? I decided to put them in the first aid room since I had a gut feeling that we would end up there somehow. Honestly, I prayed that my gut was wrong. Unfortunately it wasn't.. 😕

(Time skip)
(sorry. Can you blame me if I said that I am editing this at 12.35 in the morning?🙁 I got excited😅😅)


During recess, I asked Elizabeth if I could join her for lunch. She agreed and we went to her table.


       I was surprised to see Meliodas sit down at our table. He just sat there with a poker face on while eating.." Soo..Elizabeth! Wanna hang out after school today?" I asked.


    Diane asked me if I wanted to hang out after school. I looked at Meliodas questioningly, knowing what I had to do after school at his place. He slightly shook his head meaning not today.

    "How about tomorrow? I'm busy after school today. Sorry." I apologised. "Oh its fine! I just wanted to chat that's all." She said looking at Meliodas. I knew it was a hint of what she wanted to ✌🏼chat✌🏼 about.

     "Oh well, I better get going if I'm gonna make it to last period." She said then handed me a piece of paper. I realised it was her phone number. I gave her a thumbs up signalling that I understood her girl code message.(it's true though. Us girls do talk like that sometimes 🤣🤣)

     I had just finished eating, when I felt two arms go around my waist. I also felt some tiny kisses being planted on my neck as my face started to heat up. "M-meliodas! Not here.. we're in public!" I gasped trying to free myself from his embrace.

     "Public? I don't see anyone but us here, Ellie." He said smirking. I just sat there shocked. "Oh no! We forgot to go to class!" I exclaimed trying my hardest to free myself from his grip so I could get to class. But it was no use.

     "Class? Ooo..You mean Miss Merlin's class. I asked for permission to go back early today. I told her about the situation you were in." "You what?!" I screamed. "Shhh! Don't want other teachers finding out that we got permission to skip class now do we?" He said covering my mouth.

     "Ugh! I can't believe I trusted you with my secret! I wish I never met you! You're only making my life more complicated than it already is!" I said and broke free from his grip and ran off.


     I got up and ran after her. What she said did hurt me a lot. But I also knew that she was under alot of pressure right now, which meant that there was a possibility that she didn't really mean what she said. When I caught up to her, I saw her punching a brick wall!


    'I never should have let him kiss me nor mark me I thought to myself as I punched the brick wall. I was about to go for another when someone held back my wrist. I knew that there was only one person who would have the 'f'ing guts to do such a thing to me.

      I went in for a flying kick to his face but he blocked it with his other hand. We just stood there in that position, glaring at each other. Suddenly I felt the urge to slap him. So I did. And believe me when I tell you this. I was not ready to see his reaction.

       He took the hit. I could see the slap mark on his face getting red. I swear, I would have made it redder if I knew that he would take the hit. He then pulled me close and looked at my fists that were now red with blood after punching the wall.

        "You're hurt, Ellie." He said in a worried tone. "Yeah. Like you care. You'll probably go to Miss Merlin and tell her everything won't you, teacher's pet?" I said angrily. "What did you call me?" He asked annoyed. "That's right! I called you teacher's pet!" I shot back.

         At that, he pulled me to the first aid room. He sat me down on the bed. Then he proceeded to clean my wound and bandage it. The whole time silently working, not a peep.


          I had to admit, Elizabeth knows how to get on my nerves pretty well for someone that I just met and fell in love with yesterday.. My gut WAS right. I took her bags in one arm, and took her by the wrist in the other. I knew I was treating her a bit roughly but I couldn't help it.

         The reason I told Miss Merlin was so that if her family came by looking for her, Miss Merlin could cover up and say that she hadn't seen Elizabeth attend school today. But of course Elizabeth made a big deal out of it without listening to my reasonable excuse.

     As I was walking towards the gate to exit the school compound, I saw a limo pull up. And guess who I saw step out? Yup! Elizabeth's father and sisters had come looking for her. "Oh shit-" I exclaimed.


Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter! I hope it's a bit longer than chapter 6 and 7. I can't really tell.  Anyway, I gonna go to sleep now. Goodnight!😌

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