Chapter 22

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Gelda and me were just playing a few board games. We stayed behind from school cause Gelda didn't feel like it.

Some time later, Meliodas walked through the door with Elizabeth in his arms. She was constantly giggling. Gelda and me just stared at them till they noticed.

Meliodas just stared back. Oh. So that's what he wanted to do.. I nodded as he walked up the stairs. I shook my head as I chuckled. "What's wrong?" Gelda seed raising a brow.

"Nothing..nothing.. let's just continue the game.." I said. "You know...since Mel and Ellie are playing, wanna play too?" Gelda said as she pounced on me and kissed me.


I woke up to someone coughing. I opened an eye and saw Mel standing there with his arms crossed. "What. Do. You. Want?" I groaned.

"Where are the girls? One moment I was sleeping with Ellie and the next she was gone.." Mel questioned. "How the hell should I know? I was sleeping with Gelda!" I shouted at him.

"Oh yeah? Then where is she?" Mel asked. I opened both my eyes and shot up and saw that she was gone. I ran down the stairs. I saw a note on the refrigerator.


Please do not worry. We just went out to go shopping 🛍. Be right back!

Your loves ♡


I sighed. I showed Mel the note. He read it and nodded. "But if they don't come back soon I'm gonna be so pissed.." Mel said walking away.

Hey guys! Sorry this is short. My exam is tomorrow so wish me luck!

Your girl,

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