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      When we reached the first aid room, waiting was all we could do. It was an awkward silence till I  broke it. "Soo..why is someone like Elizabeth friends with someone like you?" I questioned. (Meliodas. That's just being mean.😣)

        "What's that supposed to mean?" She asked clearly offended. "Oh. No I didn't mean it like that. Let me rephrase it. How did you guys meet?" I asked. "Oh. We just sit next to each other in class. So I introduced myself and we instantly became friends!" She said cheerfully. "I wish it was that easy for me.." I mumbled. "Don't worry. She seems to be warming up to you." She said in a assuring manner.

          Hmm..I can see why you like her King😏, I thought to myself. After a while we just started talking about random things. It seemed that this Diane girl didn't know that Ellie was a goddess so I just kept my mouth shut knowing that Ellie would kill me if I told Diane no matter how much she trusted her. I was touched though at the thought that she trusted me more than her best friend. I guess Diane was right. She really IS warming up to me.


       I woke up in the first aid room. I saw a blurry blonde boy infront of me. "Ellie..are...okay? Don't.. I.. side..forever.."


       "Meliodas. She's not gonna die, you know. That was really cheesy.." I said. "I can't help it if I'm worried about my girlfriend!!" He snapped. "Shit-" "You're dating Elizabeth?!" I said. "Well..not officially..but I did kinda..maybe..marked her?" "Whaaaaat?!" It was the first time I saw Meliodas nervous. I think he knew he had it coming.. "I'll let the fact she didn't tell me y'all were dating slide, IF.. you let me come by with you and Elizabeth everyday and give her time to hang out with others too. A girl needs personal space ya know?!" I said laying out the rules.

       "Fine but I'm coming with her if you guys are hanging out. Deal?" "Dude you're so clingy.." "Deal?"
"Deal, Deal. Take a chill pill once in a while captain.." "Captain?" "Yeah. My new nickname for you since you're so bossy.." I said with a smirk 😏 he groaned .


       "Haha real funny Diane..." I said sarcastically. (I think I'm using sarcastic too much..please tell me if I am. I can't help it, it's my nature to be and make people sarcastic😅😅) "M-meliodas? What are we doing in the first aid room?" A confused Ellie questioned. "Oh you had just fainted because I screamed in your ear too loud." Diane said like it was totally normal. Has she done this before??!

         "Oo..o-ok. Let's get going then.." she said, getting off the bed. In doing so, she tripped. I caught her just in time. "Hey, hey. Take it easy OK Ellie?" I said worried. "Awww.." Diane said. "W-what is it?" Ellie stammered not knowing that I told Diane I marked her. She'd kill me if she found out. I gave Diane a death glare, then she immediately understood. "Oh no nothing. Just you two  are a cute couple. You should start dating!" She said acting like she didn't know anything. "" she said awkwardly.

       After Ellie got used to walking we went to the cafeteria. Then we were rudely stopped by the 10 commandments. What happened next was totally unexpected...



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