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01 ▎bus.


the boy can't help but to smile, seeing that his crush has a reply for him.

he carefully took the same pink sticky note that helf earlier from the door of the locker and reads the message.

"mr. jeongguk loves banana milk?" a giggle left the boy's mouth.

he slips the note inside his pocket and unzips the pocket of his bag to grab his baby blue sticky notepad.

the brunette starts scribbling on the notepad with his pen which have a bunny figure attached on its cap.

the boy really loves bunnies, especially that the person he admires a lot looks like one.

he tears off the note from the notepad after writing a message then slips it in jeongguk's locker before walking, not without a soft smile formed on his face.

the brunette left the school and walks towards the bus stop. as he reached the place, he took a seat on the bench.

a buzz can be heard and the boy fished his phone out from his pocket only to see a message from his landlady.

kim taehyung, i'm giving
you a week

either you pay or i'll kick
you out

taehyung's breath hitched as he reads the message. he can't be kick out. the small shabby apartment is his only home.

if he'll be kicked out then he'll end up living in streets, again.

i'll pay you, mrs. kwon. just
please dont kick me out

a sigh escaped taehyung's lips.

seeing that his bus finally arrives, taehyung stood up and went inside of it.

he spotted an available seat which is beside the window and sat down on it.

taehyung looks outside through the mirror and sighed, remembering the text that he got from his landlady.

he doesn't know where will he get money to pay for the apartment.

he works as a cashier at a convenience store and his salary isn't enough to pay for the bill.

and taehyung was abandoned by his own parents.

he was only thirteen when they found out that their only child is gay.

both of his parents are CEOs and are hella rich. they couldn't ruin their reputation by people finding out that they have a gay son.

so, taehyung got kicked out from their home and the poor boy learns to live on streets. picking up bottles and such to gather them all and sell them someday to earn money.

until a person found him and felt pity for him so the person offered him to work for his convenience store as a cashier and live in there for a while.

luckily, taehyung is good at math.

when he got enough money from the store, he started looking for a cheap apartment and that's how he got the apartment and he's currently living in.

taehyung was in his deep thoughts and he didn't realized someone sitting beside him.

he soon fell asleep due to tiredness, head resting on the head rest of the seat.


"you sure you don't really wanna come with us?"

jeongguk sighed as he's being asked the same question for the 10th time already.

"i don't. now will you please just shut up now and let me go home?"

namjoon laughed out and nodded. "alright guys. let's just let our dear jeonggukie go home so he could rest as well. it looks like he's really tired of everything already."

"fuck off." the ravenette said before walking off, leaving his friends who laughed at him.

he left the school and went to the bus stop only to see that his bus is about to leave already.

"oh shit."

jeongguk started sprinting off to reach the bus.

he used his full speed and luckily, he gets to be inside of the bus before the door went closed.

he pants heavily and looks around for an available seat.

he spotted a seat beside an unfamiliar person and walks towards it.

jeongguk took a seat beside the person who seems to he in deep thoughts as he didn't noticed someone sitting beside him, or the boy doesn't just care about his surroundings.

a sigh escaped his mouth and he pulled his phone out to avoid boredom.


after about fifteen minutes, jeongguk felt a head being rested on his shoulder and he turns his head to see his seatmate sleeping deeply.

he gulped, not really used at someone doing this to him.

but instead of pushing the boy's head, he just lets him as he looks really peaceful.

jeongguk sighed, wondering how he's going to get off the bus in few minutes without waking the boy up.

[on hold] sticky notes | taekook ִֶָ Where stories live. Discover now