twenty nine.

234 16 2

29  ▎playing together.


"glad you picked up the call, baby. how are you?"

"who is it this time?"

"you're still so straightforward." she chuckled, playing with the strands of her hair.

"i want you to take a look on this guy. his name is kim taehyung, 17 year old and studying in the same school as mine, Seo High. i have emailed you his photo already so everything is good now, right?"

"yeah. noted."

"good. i'll send you the money right away. thanks a lot, baby~" she said before hanging up the call and smirked.

"let's see if you're hiding anything, kim taehyung.


"damn, it's been a while. when was the last time we visited arcades, joon? last month? two months ago?"

"we went here last week, dipshit." namjoon gave hoseok's shoulder a light punch.

hoseok laughed and rubbed the punched part of his shoulder. "oh right. i remember now."

"lemme just buy us some tokens. my treat." jimin said before sprinting off alone.

hoseok waved at jeongguk and taehyung then went to the basketball area, following by namjoon behind him.

the two boys stood beside each other and waited patiently for jimin.

taehyung nervously fiddled with the strings of his bag then jeongguk suddenly broke the silence.

"hi, taehyung."

taehyung's eyes went wide, hearing jeongguk's voice. "h-hello."

"it's kinda unfair that we're friends but doesn't know each other that much, don't you think?"

"oh." taehyung blushed and looked down.

well, i already know much about you.

"i-i don't know what to tell yo-"

"wanna shoot some zombies together?" jeongguk stared at him.

the younger blushed even more, slowly nodding his head softly. "s-sounds great."

"nice. i can see jimin already and seems like we'll be here for a long time." jeongguk stated, seeing his brother carrying a bunch of tokens for the five of them.

taehyung giggled and nodded in agreement.

when jimin finally arrived, he split up the tokens for each of them then walked off to find hoseok and namjoon to give them their tokens, leaving taehyung and jeongguk alone again with each other.


"here it is." jeongguk said and went inside.

taehyung followed and sat on the seat beside him, grabbing the gun as jeongguk inserted two tokens in the coin slot.


"yes." taehyung answered with excitement lacing on his voice.

as soon as jeongguk received the answer, he immediately pressed the start button which made the boy beside him let out quiet giggles.

the ravenette grabbed his own gun and then they started shooting the zombies that are appearing in the screen.

taehyung flinched a little because of the sudden loud noise of the speaker behind them but he mentally encouraged himself that everything is alright and jeongguk is with him.

on the other side, jeongguk noticed taehyung odd behavior and got worried. "you alright?"

"o-oh, i'm okay. just got startled f-from the shooting sounds."

but jeongguk isn't satisfied with his answer. he held his own gun with one hand as his other hand went to rest on taehyung's shoulder and squeezed it a little. "it's alright. i'm here."

and hearing jeongguk's sudden sweet statement, taehyung can't help but to completely turn into a tomato.

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