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06 ▎seatmates.


jeongguk lifted his head to look at the lecturer and raised his hand up. "mr. song. if i may ask, who's kim taehyung?"

mr. song looks at him. "you don't know him? then raise your hand, taehyung."

taehyung gulped and slowly raised his hand a little but enough for jeongguk to see him.

jeongguk boringly looks at the owner of the hand and nodded.

he seems familiar. he thought.

"it's much better if you'll sit here beside me. am i right?" he asked.

the brunette shyly nodded and stands up, grabbing his bag then made his way to jeongguk.

"ms. ahn kyulji, it will be better if you'll go to your partner now. taehyung needs your seat because he and jeon are partners." the lecturer said to jeongguk's seatmate.

kyulji looks at the lecturer. "b-but-"

"just go. your partner is waiting."

she glanced at taehyung who looks down then sighed, standing up and stomps her way to her partner.

taehyung slowly went to her seat with head still hanging down as he can't handle meeting the ravenette's eyes. he shyly took a seat beside the male and placed his bag down.


it's been about good five minutes and still, no one dares to talk.

the other pairs are already discussing about the project while taehyung and jeongguk are only sitting on their chairs and doing nothing.

taehyung wants to speak to just start this discussion already but he's too shy to do so. also, he doesn't know how start the conversation. he's also scared that he might piss the other off.

he heard a heavy sigh coming from the older, making him slightly looks at him.

"so, taehyung. do you know any places?" jeongguk started.

taehyung thought for a while before shaking his head. "i-i dont go outside often s-so i dont know any p-places, mr. jeon."

jeongguk stared at him, studying his every moves. "call me jeongguk."

the brunette glanced at him then looks down again. "o-okay, j-jeongguk." he gulped.

the ravenette furrowed his brows. "you should be looking at my eyes when we're talking." he stated.

taehyung flinched a little and slowly lifted his head up to face the older.

a small smile went up on jeongguk's face as soon as he saw the boy's face. "there you are. alright so, i have thought of just exploring the city and find a place that will caught our attention. we can do the description in your house. deal?"

the younger's eyes went wide a little at the thought of jeongguk going to his fucked up apartment.

"u-uh m-my house is kind of really f-far so maybe we can uhm just d-do the project in the p-place o-or-"

"alright, my house then." jeongguk said and pulled his phone out of pocket.

a dark shade of red can be seen on taehyung's face as he heard that they will be doing the project in jeongguk's house.

the ravenette then handed him his phone. "type down your number."

with full of gentleness and care, taehyung took the phone from jeongguk and started typing down his own number, careful not to drop such an expensive thing.

when he's done, he handed the phone back to the owner of it, a small smile can be seen on his face.

jeongguk hummed and shoves his phone back inside his pocket. "alright. we can start after school. do you have any plans later?"

"n-no. i don't."

"then meet me at the cat café after school." the ravenette said, looking around.

"seems like the class has ended already." he added and stood up, grabbing his back.

taehyung stands up as well and took his own bag, staring at the older shyly.

jeongguk stared at him. "do you perhaps works at a convenience store?"

the brunette was taken aback by the sudden question but nodded anyways. "i-i met you yesterday in the store, j-jeongguk."

"ah, so you're really that man. i see." jeongguk nodded.

"well then. i'll see you later, taehyung." jeongguk said, looking at the boy again for one more time before walking off and left the classroom.

taehyung stared at his retreating figure and cant help but to smile softly.

he is so happy that he had a proper conversation with his crush and even gets to sit with him and will visit his house someday.

only that simple talk with jeongguk makes him the happiest man alive already.

he can't wait to meet jeongguk again later.

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