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17 ▎a little backstory.



taehyung looks up at the closed door of jeongguk's room upon hearing his name being called.

he could hear someone knocking repeatedly on the door, asking for it to be opened.

jeongguk sighed frustratingly and rubs his forehead. "goddamit park fucking jimin."

"j-jiminie? c-can i open the door, jeongguk?" taehyung looks at the older.

the ravenette nodded as an answer and taehyung immediately stood up and hurriedly went to the door of the bedroom.

he grabbed the doorknob and twisted it open, seeing jimin standing on the other side.

jimin gasped and pulled the boy in a hug. "you're really here! you should've told me that you will come here."

taehyung was taken aback by the sudden hug but eventually wrapped his arms around the older boy's waist, hugging him back. "i-i'm sorry. i don't have your number.."

the blonde lets go of the boy. "give me your phone."

"wait." taehyung went back inside the bedroom and approached his bag. he zips it open to get his phone then went back to jimin.

jeongguk watched the two boys with a bored expression. he would sometimes mentally roll his eyes whenever jimin gets touchy to taehyung.

and he doesn't know why he did.


"please cook taehyung's favorite! wait, what's your favorite, tae?" jimin asked while holding taehyung's hand as the two went to the kitchen.

taehyung blushed and he shook his head. "i-it's okay, jiminie. i'm going home now anyway."

"come on. atleast eat something first before you go. don't be shy, okay? what do you want to eat?" jimin made the brunette sit down in a chair comfortably.

the younger looks down shyly and played with his fingers. he thought that it will be rude if he will keep rejecting the blonde.

"a-anything is fine with m-me." he said in a small voice.

"then we're having japchae, sashimi and grilled meat." jimin sat beside taehyung.

the maids who heard him scurried away to make their meal while another maid approached them. "would you like to have a drink?"

"make two hot chocos please." jimin answered.

the maid bowed down before walking away to prepare their drink.

taehyung looks at the older male. " you are s-so kind to me. t-thank you so much, jiminie."

jimin turns to look at the brunette and giggled. "of course i'll be nice to you because you're literally an angel. and besides, you are my friend now. also, you don't have to thank me everytime." he said, staring at the younger.

"i just want you to be happy, taehyung."

taehyung blushed and looks away. "d-don't stare at me like that."

the blonde laughed and hugged the boy. "what? i'm not staring at all!"

"hmp. sure." taehyung huffed out, making the other male let out a giggle.

the maid earlier came back to them and served two mugs of steaming hot chocolate on the table.

"here's the hot chocolate that you requested, young master."

"thank you." jimin smiles and the maid walks away.

"careful, tae. it's too hot." he warned.

taehyung hummed with a small nod and stared at the delicious and expensive looking hot chocolate.

"uhm, j-jiminie..?"

jimin replied with a hum.

"if it's o-okay to ask, are you and jeongguk twins or s-something? because y-you two are in the same age."

the older puts his mug of hot chocolate down on the table as he took a sip on it. "ah. i haven't told you about us."

taehyung tilted his head to the side a little, staring at the latter.

"jeongguk and i are.. step brothers," jimin started.

"his father, jeon sungho met my mother and then something started happening between the two. jeongguk's mom was really broken but she never hated my mom because mom didn't know that sungho was already married to her."

"my dad was already dead when my mom and sungho met. he died from a car accident.."

"jeongguk and i were six year old when sungho brought us into this mansion and made us live here. me and my mom." he added.

the brunette keeps listening, eyes focused on the blonde.

"but then.. mom died too because of illness. ever since she died, ahn jiwoo became my second mom. jeongguk's mom. she's really nice! you'll like her."

".. and, at first, jeongguk didn't really like me. he always gives me cold shoulders and would sometimes snap at me. but, he never said such offensive words. and then, as years passed by, he finally accepted me as his brother. he still gives me cold shoulders because he is like that even to other people but i know he likes me now. he became nicer now and even apologized before, pfft." jimin chuckled.

"so be surprised if he suddenly started acting soft towards you."

taehyung blushed and looks down. "w-where are your parents?"

jimin looks at him. "they're in a business trip. they barely came home but still video calls us whenever they can. so it's usually only jeongguk and i who are in this place, along with the maids and guards."

"everyone is nice here so you don't have to worry about anything. feel free to come here anytime you want, hm? everyone knows you already anyway so they'll let you in without bombarding you any questions."

the brunette giggled and nodded. "t-thank you, jiminie."

as he said those words, the maids arrived with the meals that jimin have requested them to make earlier.

taehyung stared in awe as they served the foods on the table and jimin chuckled at the boy's reaction.

"let's start digging in!"

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