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19 ▎kicked out.


taehyung is now walking on his way home with his backpack behind him and holding both of its straps.

it's now currently 9 in the evening. usually, his shift ends by 8 pm but he's an hour late again today so he had to end his shift by 9.

it's not like he's complaining. he's actually glad that the owner lets him be late for an hour as it's for school purposes.

when he reached the place, he stopped on his tracks and his eyes went wide at the scene in front of him.

on the dirty ground lays his stuffs. his clothes, bags, stuffs and more. he can also see his landlady standing beside the stuffs with a frown on her face.

"there you are! you made me wait for so fucking long."

taehyung slowly approached her, hands slightly shaking. "m-mrs. kwon, why are my stuffs o-outside?"

she sighed and crossed his arms. "someone wants to rent this house and they'll pay bigger and on time unlike you."

"b-but i paid for the rent last time-"

"shut up. go look for a new one or live on streets. i don't care. i just want you out of my sight." she glared at him then went in front of her house.

taehyung started tearing up and approached her. "mrs. kwon! y-you can't do this to me-" he flinched once she slammed the door close hard.

the brunette lets out sniffles and went to his stuffs. he opens a bag and stuffed his now dirty clothes inside of it then placed his other small things in another bag.

his eyes caught the sight of the familiar box and he gasped, picking it up immediately then removes the dirt from it. it was so precious to him as it was the box that he got from jeongguk and the sweater is inside along with the letter.

taehyung hugged the box and that's when he broke down. he cried hard while looking down at his stuffs that are on the ground.

he was crying so hard that he didn't notice that it starts raining. his stuffs are now being soaked by the rain even himself.

the box that he's hugging is being soaked as well but taehyung didn't care. he keeps crying and crying.

due to tiredness, taehyung collapsed and fell unconscious on the ground.


"taehyung? is that you?" a man approached the unconscious boy laying on the dirty ground, the box being hugged by him.

taehyung woke up as the man picked him up. he slowly opened his eyes and looks at the owner of the pair of arms holding him.

"j-jin hyung..?"

"you're awake! i'm taking you to the hospital." seokjin says and puts taehyung on the passenger's seat of his car.

"huh? n-no hyung, i'm okay. i just want to rest.."

seokjin looks at the boy and sighed. "alright then. i'll take your stuffs first then you better tell me what happened."

taehyung nodded and watched as seokjin closed the door beside him then walked away to get his stuffs including the box.

the older placed them all in the backseat then closed the door.

when everything is settled, seokjin starts driving towards somewhere.

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