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10 ▎ride.


jeongguk looks at the brunette, his heart beating fast. no one called him mr. jeongguk before but only one person. only kth calls him that name.

taehyung looks at the older with eyes full of worry. "w-what's wrong?"

the ravenette snaps out of his thoughts and looked away with a sigh, brushing his hair upwards with his long fingers.

snap out of it. he calls you mr. jeongguk but that doesn't mean he's kth. jeongguk mentally scolded himself.

"nothing. don't mind it." he replied.

taehyung chewed his bottom lip. he doesn't seem to be convinced with jeongguk's answer. he knew something is off.

then it hits him. he just accidentally called jeongguk the name that he always call him as kth.

his eyes went wide and he covers his whole face at the sudden realization.

he silently made a note to himself that he will be very careful next time and not call jeongguk mr. jeongguk ever again, but only in sticky notes.


the two boys are currently riding a bus with taehyung sitting beside the window and jeongguk beside him.

they're on their way to the place that namjoon have suggested jeongguk earlier. jeongguk just hope that the place is empty today.

but then, his eyes landed on the backpack which is resting on the brunette's lap.

he crossed his brows together, seeing the bag looking so stuffed.

"what's inside your bag?"

taehyung tensed up at the sudden question. he can't let jeongguk find out what's inside his bag. it was the goddamn box that he got from him.

"o-oh just s-some stuffs." he answered, mentally scolding himself for stuttering and his stupid answer.

"seems like it's a box. do you always bring a box inside your bag to school?" the ravenette crossed his arms, staring at taehyung.

the younger shook his head. "no.. i-i just had to get it from a friend." he mumbled.

jeongguk hummed and closed his eyes, resting his head on the headrest of his seat as he decided to just brush it off.

"i see." the ravenette answered.

the whole ride is silent as there's only few passengers in the bus and some seem to be sleeping, using their phone or just watching the beautiful scenery of seoul outside.

taehyung turned his attention from the view outside to jeongguk who's now sleeping deeply with arms crossed together.

he stared at the older's face and studied it. his perfectly shaped nose, fluffy looking cheeks with a small scar on the left side, sharp jawline and his pink kissable lips.

the brunette gulped, staring at the ravenette's lips. it looks so kissable that he wants to have a taste of it but he controlled himself from leaning forward and leaving a peck. he can't risk waking jeongguk up because of it and embarrassing himself.

taehyung stared at the older's closed eyes instead and smiles a little.

"you're so perfect, ggukie. your future partner will be so lucky. i wish i'm pretty enough for you to love me back. i love you so much." he whispered sadly.

hi. thank you so much for the 246 reads and 68 votes! i really appreciate it a lot and thank you also for juicyNamtidies  for recommending this book. you're the best :< thanks for leaving comments as well, everyone! they're making me happy and also for the follows! thank you. i hope y'all will support me til the end. thank you so much for reading! see you in the next chapter♡

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