twenty three.

243 15 0

23 ▎that note.


as soon as jimin's class finished, he immediately grabbed his bag and exits the classroom. he walks through the hallways, eyes looking around in hope to find the certain tall and raven haired man. his brother.

seems like luck is with him today when he caught jeongguk walking alone.

jimin sprinted towards the boy then patted his shoulder. "gguk! good to see you here."

jeongguk rolled his eyes. "what do you need this time?"

the blonde huffed and crossed his arms. "can't i be with my brother?"

"as if you really wanna be with me." jeongguk entered the library and his brother followed behind him.

"okay, fine. i'm here cause i wanna know if there's a new note from your secret admirer! did they left another note?" jimin yelled.

jeongguk looks around, seeing some students looking at them weirdly and annoyingly as jimin just yelled inside a silent as fuck library.

the ravenette sighed in embarrassment and went to the available table. "keep your voice down. we're inside a goddamn library." he scolded, taking a seat on the chair.

"oh." was all jimin replied and blushed in embarrassment. he took a seat beside his brother and gave him a look. "but seriously, is there a new note?"

"why are you so eager to find out?" jeongguk asked while taking out his stuffs from his bag.

"because you know how much i ship you two together. come on gguk, i wanna feel butterflies." jimin whined.

the other shakes his head in disappointment. "there is. this morning."

"how many?"

"one, with a banana milk." jeongguk answered in his usual annoyed tone.

jimin stared at him, totally surprised by his answer.

this ain't right. it should be two.

"ah really? one? i see." he nodded and runs his fingers through his locks.

jeongguk just ignored him as he's now busy doing the assignment that their lecturer gave him.


when the last class ended, taehyung stuffed his things inside his bag then carries it. he made his way towards the door of the classroom and immediately got engulfed in a warm hug.

"damn, tae. let's talk while riding a bus together, yeah?" jimin said.

taehyung nodded then the two started down the stairs of the school towards the exit.

he wants to leave the last note in jeongguk's locker for today, but he's afraid that it might disappear again. he have to make sure first that the note that he left yesterday is in jeongguk's care.

"but jiminie," taehyung called out, pouting. "jeongguk might be alone while going home."

jimin blinks then lets out a giggle. "making sure that your future boyfriend won't be alone, i see."

the younger blushed hard, covering his face with the book that he's holding. "j-jiminie.."

"let's wait for him then." the older said as soon as they stopped in front of the school.

taehyung waited patiently for the certain dark haired male to come out of the school with jimin standing beside him.

"ah, i'll just tell you already," jimin shoves his hands inside the pockets of his pants. "jeongguk
said he only received one note today."

the brunette's eyes widened. "then it really went missing.."

jimin looks at him then patted the boy's shoulder. "maybe it flew away."

taehyung only sighed as a reply, eyes still looking at the school entrance.

he really wish that no one saw him that day and stole the sticky note.

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