chap 16

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Chuckling quietly somehow became a skill for the three as a response to the sudden turn of events. The newcomers settling to the couch across the house owner.

"Y/n-chan. Is it okay if I talk to them first?" Taiju respectfully asked with a slightly meaningful smirk.

"That's actually better." You commented giving back a smug smile. Noticing Takemitchy and Chifuyu, you waved at them. "Those two are my best friends." You told the brothers sitting beside you.

"Nice to meet you, Taiju-kun." Mitsuya greeted, keeping his nonchalant face despite losing his composure a while ago.

"You're that Mitsuya fucker who's been manipulating my little bro!" Taiju accused directly at his face.

That made you force out an 'oh-shit' expression. Mouth stretched to a small 'O'. Eyeballs almost bulging out its place.

"That's quite the accusation." He closed eye smile taunting Taiju.

"I'll kill your ass." His teased ass can literally boost anyone's serotonin. "So, what did you wanna tell me? Better keep it short."

After some pause, Mitsuya gathered all the words he needed. "I'll give Hakkai to the Black Dragons. I'm not gonna see him again."

Taiju laughed. "Now that's funny. Didn't you come here to stop that from happening?!"

"In exchange... Set Yuzuha free. Let her be with Toman." Mitsuya conditioned smoothly getting the upperhand in the conversation.

Hearing the name changed your facial to a frown.

"Taiju-kun. You're having Yuzuha do something, aren't you?" He continued. "Hakkai's been protecting Yuzuha this whole time. From your domestic violence."

Taiju only gave off a laugh. "What a fucking joke!"

"Hakkai's not leaving Toman because he's scared of you. He's doing it to protect Yuzuha!" It acted as a trigger when Taiju all of a sudden stood and lean to attack Mitsuya.

Though as expected, Mitsuya blocked it with his arm. "Hey... Not bad."

"I'll say it again! I'll give Hakkai to the Black Dragons. So, let Yuzuha be with us!" He still insisted. "If you accept these terms, Toman will leave the Black Dragons alone."

"And if I refuse?" Taiju's vein popped visible.

"Then it's an all out war." Mitsuya made sure.

"All right! We got a truce." Taiju agreeed, shaking Mitsuya's hand. "Though, I don't commit any domestic violence... I'll keeo my word. I won't ever hit Yuzuha again." There was something in his tone that made you feel suspicious.

The Shiba siblings might be too fond of secrets.

When you thought that it eas your turn to speak with Taiju, Mitsuya didn't left the seat, making the three guys with him confused.

"Aren't we going to leave, Mitsuya-kun?" Takemitchy whispered but was heard by everyone.

"No. We'll wait until Y/n is done talking to them. Then we will leave with her." Mitsuya looked at you.

It made your eyebrows furrowed in annoyance.

"Fuck off." You murmured then porceed on talking to Taiju. "I want to speak with your two underlings, if you don't mind, Taiju-kun."

"Go on." He gave permission.

"You've met me before, right?" You asked looking them staight in the eyes. "I know you two are familiar with the 8th generation leader. Have you heard of him? Or maybe do any of you knows how to contact him?" Reading their expressions, the one with a scar on his left side of the face, averting his eyes away from yours.

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