Everything I love gets destroyed. First, my biological family, then my adoptive parents. (Or at least I thought.) My life is a wreck, the only control I have is my mafia and company. Until one man decides he wants to change that. Fredrico Rossi, a...
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I wake up to kids jumping on my bed. I sit up with a glare, "Zio! Zio! Zio!" They shout with smiles.
Derek comes through the door, "why the hell are your kids jumping on my bed at," I look at the clock, "seven in the damn morning?"
"The kids wanted to see their favorite uncle," he said with an amused grin.
Derek has two kids, Ciara and Christian. They call Christian, Sammy. I don't know where the hell the nickname came from though. They were five years old.
"Zio! Are you happy to see us?" Ciara asked.
"Of course I am Cece," I mumble and hug them.
"But your Zio would like more sleep," I say.
"Sleeping are for losers," Sammy whined. He pulled off my covers and jumped on me. I caught him and start to tickle him. Cece tries to help and I get her and start to tickle her.
"Okay! We s-surrender!" Cece giggled.
"Yeah! Z-zio! We s-surrender!" Sammy laughed.
I stop tickling them and they sigh heavily, clearly out of breath. They both sat up and looked at each other. I raise an eyebrow, "what're you two thinking abo-"
Cece kicks me hard in my gut and Sammy punches me in my throat. They frown when I don't go down, "go down so we can get payback!" Cece grumbled.
Derek chuckled, "go finish eating your breakfast. I have to talk to you Zio for a moment."
They both jump off the bed and Sammy hits his arm off the nightstand. He turned around and kicked it, "bitch," he grumbled and took off after his sister.
"Ay don't say that in front of your mother!" Derek yelled after him.
I got up out the bed and ran a hand through my hair. "Listen I need you to watch the kids for me. I have something important I have to do today."
I raise a brow,"isn't your wife a stay at home mom?"
"She's sick with with the flu. I have to take care of her."
"And you don't have a baby sitter?" I ask and grab my phone. I go immediately to my email.
"Obviously not if i'm dropping them off to you," he grumbled.
"You know I have to go to one of those family dinners today right?" I ask.
"Yeah, I already checked with Jamila and your mother, they said it was fine if you bring them. Valentina also said it was fine too since she's bringing her daughter."
My head jerked up, "Valentina is coming?"
He raised a brow, "that's all you got out of what I said?"
"No, but that caught my attention."
"Your mother said to not be late or she'll stab you with a fork."