Extended Epilogue

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I wake up to Rico kissing up my neck. I open my eyes with a smile. "Good morning," I mumble. He hums, "Good morning Amore."

I run my hands through his salt and pepper hair and kiss him. "Are the kids sleeping?" I ask.

"It's six in the morning and they're on summer break. I think they're sleeping. If not, the room is soundproof for a reason." He says and kisses my neck.

I giggle and I feel his smile against my skin.

"We have to be quick. Li-Li is still on her school schedule. She might wake up," I tell him and roll us over so i'm on top.

As soon as I pull down his boxers the door opens. I quickly pull them up and Rico groans.

Li-Li comes running in with a wide smile and her giant stuffed panda named Charles.

"Mama! Papa!"

(A/N: This entire conversation is in Spanish. I just was too lazy to put the Spanish🧍🏾‍♀️.)

I smile and reach out for her, "Li-Li! My baby!" She jumps into my arms and I kiss her forehead. "How are you this morning?"

"I'm good Mommy. I had a dream that I was a dinosaur and I had dinosaur friends!"

"That's amazing baby." I say and push her curly hair out her face. She gets up and jumps on Rico. He groans and lifts her up. She giggles. "Hi papa!"

"Hey baby girl. What are you doing up so early?"

"I thought I have school."

"You don't have school again until September," I tell her. She pouts, "But I like school."

"You sure she's my kid?" Rico asks. I smack his arm and he chuckles.

"I know baby, but it's summer break! You get to go visit your Abuelito, Abuelita, Tia, and Tio in two days for the summer."

Jamila and Jaime finally got together after years of denial. Jamila lives with them in the D.R, but she visits often.

She grins, "I'm excited! I haven't seen them since Easter."

"Can we have chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast?" She asks Rico.

"Give me and your mother fifteen minutes. I have to talk to her about your vacation," he says.

"Okay. I'll be downstairs waiting," she says and grabs her stuff animal and runs out.

I shake my head with a laugh. "You're such a liar."

He gets on top of me, "Ready for the best fifteen minutes of your life?"

I give him a teasing look, "I've had better fifteen minutes."

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